Is Writing a Blog Hard? (Yes, Here’s 11 Reasons Why)

Many people dream of being a full-time blogger, traveling the world, and dashing off blog posts on the beach. What people don’t usually think about is how difficult it can be.

Is writing a blog hard?

Writing a blog is hard. Writing a blog requires a large skill set, patience, and discipline. There is a steep learning curve for new bloggers. It is easy to make mistakes with setting up a blog, SEO, keyword research, and monetization. Conflicting blogging advice makes it all the more difficult.

In this article, we’ll take a look at 11 reasons why writing a blog can be hard and how you can overcome those challenges to create a successful, engaging website.

11 Reasons Writing a Blog Is Hard

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Man frustrated at laptop - Is Writing a Blog Hard
Image by the author via Canva – Is Writing a Blog Hard

There are at least 11 reasons that writing a blog is hard.

But don’t fret: We’ll look at how to launch a money-making blog despite all the challenges.

1) There’s a Steep Learning Curve At First

In order to write a successful blog, you need to have a number of different skills.

You need to be able to write well, of course, but you also need to be able to create interesting and engaging content, market your blog, and build relationships with other bloggers.

You also need to be familiar with the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), so that you can rank high on Google. And if you want to make money from your blog, you’ll need to know how to monetize it.

There’s a lot to learn, but don’t let that derail your dreams of blogging.

With a little effort, you can learn everything you need to know to write a great blog.

2) It’s Super Easy To Make Big Mistakes

When you’re starting a blog, there are a lot of things to think about – and it’s easy to make mistakes. If you don’t set up your blog correctly, you may not be able to get the traffic you need, or you may not be able to make money from your blog.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your blog:

  • Choose the right platform: There are so many platforms you can use to host your blog, and each has its own pros and cons. You’ll need to decide which one is right for you.
  • Pick a good domain name: Your domain name should be niche-relevant, easy to spell, and short.
  • Choose the right theme: The design of your blog should be professional and easy to navigate.
  • Select the right plugins:  Plugins can add functionality to your blog, but you need to be careful not to overload your blog with too many plugins. It can slow your blog down considerably.

3) There’s Conflicting Information Everywhere

Blogging can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work.

And if you’re new to blogging, it can be hard to know who to listen to. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there, and it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s not.

Some blogging experts will tell you to blog about whatever you want, while others will tell you to niche down and focus on a specific topic. Some experts will tell you to write long posts, while others will tell you that shorter posts are better.

It can be confusing, but the best thing to do is to experiment and find what works for you. There’s no one “right way” to blog that works for everyone.

4) Keyword Research Is Tough To Learn

Keyword research can be a difficult skill to learn, but it’s essential for any blogger who wants to succeed.

If you don’t go after the right keywords, you won’t get traffic to your blog.

There are a lot of different ways to find keywords, and it can take some time to learn how to do it correctly. But once you’ve mastered the skill, you’ll be able to find the best keywords for your blog posts quickly and easily.

5) It Can Be Hard To Monetize Your Blog

Making money from blogging can be difficult, especially in the beginning. There are a number of different ways to monetize your blog, but not all of them will work for everyone.

At first, you might only be able to get on Google Adsense.

And you will likely make pennies or dollars at most for a long time. Eventually, you can join the Ezoic display ad network or other networks, such as Mediavine and AdThrive.

But that will take a long time and hard work to get there.

6) It Takes Forever To See Results

It can take a long time to see results from your blogging efforts. It may take up to a year to see any significant traffic or earnings from your blog.

That’s because of the Google Sandbox,  which is a period of time when new websites are held back from ranking well in Google.

After the Sandbox, it can still take a long time to see results.

7) It Can Be Quite Expensive

Blogging can be quite expensive.

You may need to purchase a domain name and hosting, as well as pay for a premium theme and plugins.

And if you want to make money from your blog, you’ll need to invest in some advertising or affiliate marketing programs.

You may also need to invest in:

  • Content production
  • Editing
  • Video editing
  • Tech support
  • Security features
  • AI software (Ai writers, etc)
  • Membership site platforms

All of this can add up quickly, which is why starting a blog can be a bit of a risk.

You need to be prepared to invest time and money into your blog if you want to make it successful.

8) Research & Writing Sucks Away Time

Blogging can take a lot of time, especially if you want to write quality content.

Researching and writing a high-quality blog post can take several hours, or even days.

And if you’re not careful, blogging can suck away all of your time. Before you know it, you’ll have spent hours on your blog and accomplished very little.

9) It Can Be Hard To Stand Out

There are a lot of bloggers out there, and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. You need to have a unique voice and offer valuable content if you want to be successful.

It can be hard to do that when there are so many blogs out there competing for attention.

But there are some strategies that work – we’ll talk about those in just a moment.

10) Bad SEO Can Hold You Back

SEO is important for getting your blog posts seen by more people, but if you don’t do it correctly, it can slow down your blog’s growth.

There are a number of common SEO mistakes that bloggers make, and if you’re not careful, you may fall into one of them.

Some of the most common SEO mistakes include:

  • Not using keywords in your posts
  • Not using images or videos in your posts
  • Not using the right keywords
  • Not optimizing your titles and meta descriptions
  • Not internally linking your blog posts
  • Not using social media to promote your blog posts
  • Not tracking your results

11) One Google Penalty Can Tank Your Blog

If you’re penalized by Google, it can tank your blog traffic and revenue overnight. Google is the most important search engine, and if you’re penalized by them, your blog will suffer.

Google may penalize you if you:

  • Use black hat SEO techniques
  • Are caught plagiarizing content
  • Have too many low-quality links
  • Have a low-quality website
  • Are caught spamming
  • Are caught hacking websites

If you’re penalized by Google, it can be very difficult to recover.

Your blog traffic will decline, and you may not be able to make any money from your blog. It’s important to avoid any of these penalties by following Google’s guidelines.

By the way, we also made this video about why blogging is hard:

YouTube Video by Writing Secrets—Is Writing a Blog Hard?

Is Writing a Blog Hard for Beginners?

Blogging can be hard for beginners who don’t know where to start. It’s important to do your research and learn as much as you can before you start blogging.

You need to understand the basics of SEO, building websites, and writing quality content if you want to be successful. You also need to create a strategy for your blog and plan how you’re going to make money from it.

It can be difficult for beginners to figure all of that out, which is why many of them give up before they even start.

But with a little bit of effort and education, anyone can start a successful blog.

There are plenty of resources available online that can help you get started. For example, YouTube channels such as Passive Income Geek, Writing Secrets, Authority Hackers, Niche Pursuits, and Income School.

There are many online courses and books that can also help you successfully start a blog.

Is It Hard To Make a Successful Blog?

It can be difficult to make a blog successful. You need to have a lot of dedication and patience if you want to see results.

You also need to produce high-quality content on a consistent basis and market your blog effectively. It can be difficult to do all of that on your own, which is why many people give up before they even get started.

It can take years to make a blog successful.

Blogging is a long-term game, not a get-rich-quick scheme that will produce results overnight. But there are ways to speed up your growth and success.

Is Writing a Blog Hard Forever?

Blogging is not hard forever. You develop skills, templates, and processes.

Once you’ve been blogging for a while, it becomes easier to produce high-quality content on a consistent basis. You develop better SEO techniques and learn how to market your blog more effectively.

It’s important to keep learning and evolving as a blogger, and never stop trying to improve your skills.

The best way to make a successful blog is to treat it like a business.

You need to be patient and aggressive to see results. But if you’re willing to apply massive effort, you can achieve great things.

Is Writing a Blog Hard If You Have No Experience?

Blogging can be a fun, creative outlet, but it’s also complicated if you are coming at it with zero experience.

You’ll gain experience over time, but you may not want to wait that long.

What you can do is network with more experienced bloggers in online groups, forums, and blogging programs such as Passive Income Geek (that’s the program I participate in and highly recommend for new bloggers).

Is Writing a Blog Hard if You Don’t Live in the US?

You can blog from anywhere in the world.

Your location is not all that important. However, blogging successfully is easier if you write in fluent English and target a lucrative US market.

That’s because the United States is a Tier 1 country with expendable income.

Not only is a US market more likely to spend money, but so are the advertisers and affiliate marketing programs.

Wherever you live and blog, be sure to focus on writing for a US, English-speaking audience.

How To Write a Blog That Is Successful Anyway (My Best Tips)

Even though blogging can be hard, it is still very possible to make a successful blog.

I should know.

I’m a full-time blogger who struggled immensely for years. Finally, I said “enough is enough” and quit my day job without a safety net.

I don’t recommend that approach for everyone.

For a year, I drove Uber and Lyft while I worked on my blog. I joined a few blogging programs, learned a few things, and finally started making enough money to stop doing anything else but writing.

So, yes, it’s hard.

But there are a few things I’ve learned that I want to share with you to make it easier.

Here is how to start a successful blog:

  • Choose a blogging niche that you know.
  • Choose a blogging niche for which you are a passionate enthusiast.
  • Set up your blog with (it’s free).
  • Set up your blog with a good hosting company (I recommend Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostArmada)
  • Go with a simple and fast theme like Astra (I use Astra on all my sites).
  • Watch every YouTube video you can find on Keyword Research.
  • But also get a tool like Keyword Chef,, RankIQ, or Ahrefs to help with keyword research (Don’t blindly trust the tools, though. This will take manual searching).
  • Only write articles on very low competition keywords where there is no other content on the topic (these keywords take longer to find but they will help your blog grow much faster).
  • Write articles in clusters (related keywords, such as 100 articles about boxing gloves).
  • Write high-quality and helpful articles that are at least 1,500 words long (and 2,000 if possible – but don’t include fluff).
  • Leverage content “shortcuts” like ai writers: Jasper AI,, and Rocket Content ai.
  • Use a basic and free SEO plugin like RankMath to help you with Search Engine Optimization.

Final Thoughts: Is Writing a Blog Hard?

We have a lot of articles on this site about blogging, writing, and making money with your words.

Check out a few of the articles below before you go.

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