The website ( is devoted to producing content that is reliable, trustworthy, and transparent.
Editorial Guidelines
These principles direct our editorial guidelines:
- Truthfulness – We work hard to validate all facts displayed on our site with trustworthy references. We quickly amend any inaccuracies or false details.
- Objectivity – We focus on showing every angle of an issue impartially, not favoring any specific political, religious, or other ideologies. Our authors refrain from endorsing specific viewpoints.
- Openness – We reveal any possible interest conflicts linked to our articles. Sponsorships or other financial ties are openly discussed.
- Inclusion – Our coverage aims to reflect a broad range of views and experiences. We don’t exclude any particular group.
- Autonomy – No external parties, like advertisers or shareholders, affect our content. Authors retain complete editorial oversight over what they produce.
- Moral Principles – Privacy is respected, and we don’t disclose personal data without consent. We are careful not to sustain damaging stereotypes or portrayals.
- Lawfulness – We strictly follow copyright and defamation law. Content that is proven to be illegal, offensive, or menacing is not published.
The intent of this editorial guideline is to establish a rapport with our audience by sticking to high standards in journalism and content production. Reader input on how we can further advance is always welcome.
AI Editorial Guidelines
We make use of artificial intelligence tools to support our skilled human writers in generating initial versions of some articles, item summaries, and additional types of content. Technologies from OpenAI and other firms assist in this.
That said, each piece of AI-generated content undergoes meticulous scrutiny and modification by our human editorial staff prior to being released. Human experts rigorously assess the AI-generated content to guarantee its quality, truthfulness, and trustworthiness. Nothing is released before human editors give their full endorsement and sign-off.
Even though AI can accelerate the pace of producing content, the crucial roles of human wisdom, discernment, and decision-making cannot be overstated. Final judgments on the subject matter, opinions voiced, facts incorporated, and creative methods used are all made by our human editors. It is not the AI that decides what gets published, it is our human team.
Pairing AI capabilities with human supervision allows us to boost our operational effectiveness while preserving our high standards. We are conscious of the current limitations of AI in areas such as sophisticated writing, comprehensive analysis, and ethical issues. Our core commitment is to deliver considerate, accountable journalism and content.
We are deeply committed to being transparent about our AI usage.