Recommended Tools

All of these recommended tools on this page are ones that I have personally used or have verified through trusted sources.

You may not need or want all of the tools in this list, but knowing about them will give you the freedom to build your freelance kingdom as big and wide as you desire. Some will help you with the nuts and bolts of making a living as a writer.

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links.

These are the tools that I would get immediately if I was starting over from scratch.

They are the foundation for my freelance life. If I had to choose seven tools to gift my past self, these are the tools I would recommend.

Start with them and then expand into the tools in the rest of the list as you grow your career.

ToolWhat It DoesVisit Site
WordPress.orgContent Management SystemVisit Site
BluehostHosting PlatformVisit Site
Passive Income Blogging CourseBest course on how to make money by building niche websitesVisit Site
RankIQFind easy keywords to rank fastVisit Site
Jasper AI WriterAutomatically write content for you—blogs, emails, sales pages, etc.Visit Site
Rocket Content AIBulk Content AgencyVisit Site
Riqu.aiBuild a custom AI writer for your siteVisit Site
Cheat LayerAutomate your publishing empireVisit Site
EzoicAd display network to earn revenueVisit Site
Recommended Tools for a Writing Beginner

Make Money Writing

If you really want to sustain yourself long-term as a writer, you need to make money. Consistent money month after month. That’s where these money-making tools come in. Click through each link to start your website, promote yourself, build your e-mail list, and generate quick income with sites like Medium.

Your earnings from writing, display ads, and affiliate marketing will pay your bills as you scale up your business.

These are my most recommended tools for making money writing online.

Build an Epic Writing Website

To establish your presence as a writer, I highly suggest that you start a website. You’ll need a hosting site, a blogging platform, and tools to grow your audience. These are my go-to tools that you can either get for free or very cheap. Most of them you can use immediately.

Others, such as MediaVine, you may add a little later as you meet the requirements.

Here are my most recommended tools for building an epic website for your writing.

The Best Keyword Research Tools for Bloggers

Over the years of building out multiple websites in different niches, I’ve come to believe in the unparalleled power of good keyword research.

Here are the best keyword research tools for bloggers:

Best Keyword Research Tools for BloggersLearn More
RankIQLearn more
ShineRankerLearn more
LowFruits.ioLearn more
AhrefsLearn more
DeapMarketLearn more
SearchResponse.ioLearn more
AnswerSocratesLearn more
Best Keyword Research Tools for Bloggers

My Bookshelf: Favorite Fiction Writing Books

Over the last 25 years, I have devoured many books on writing. Most I found decent, some good, and some brilliant. A select few guide me in every novel or nonfiction book I write. This is my shortlist of the most recommended books on writing.

These books actually helped me formulate ideas into words. These books helped me get an agent, get published, and make a living as a full-time writer.

Here are my most recommended tools for skilling up as a writer:

Launch Your Writing Business

The only way to succeed long-term as a freelance writer or novelist is to come at it like a real business. Get serious. Start small and cheap, free if possible. But invest as much as you can without hurting yourself financially. You’ll need a computer or laptop, some kind of working space, and a few tools to get yourself up and running.

Get Published

You might want to get self-published or traditionally published. In that case, you’ll want to cut your learning curve by getting the inside secrets. You’ll likely also need to create book covers, promotional images, and videos, and leverage the Amazon publishing platform.

My Superpowers (aka, My Services)

If you want my personal help, please contact me on one of my social media accounts.

  • 1 Hour Zoom Coaching
  • Article/Blog Writing
  • Ghostwriting articles, ebooks, etc.