How to Get Google Featured Snippets Fast: 11 Quickest Ways

Are you looking to boost your website’s visibility on Google? If so, then you need to focus on getting your content featured in Google’s Featured Snippets.

Here’s how to get Google Featured Snippets fast:

Get a Google Featured Snippet fast by optimizing your content for a single main snippet, publishing on high domain authority websites, and focusing on providing clear and concise answers to the user’s query in a paragraph, list, or table format.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to get Google Featured Snippets fast.

What Is a Google Featured Snippet?

(This post may have afilliate links. Please see my full disclosure)
Cartoon blogger at a desktop - How to get Google featured snippets fast
I made this image with AI – How to get Google featured snippets fast

A featured snippet is a concise summary of an answer to a user’s query that Google displays prominently at the top of the search results page.

It’s also known as position zero because it appears above the first organic search result.

A featured snippet provides users with a quick and concise answer to their question, without them having to click through to a website. This makes it a highly sought-after position for website owners and marketers.

Getting Google Featured Snippets drives more traffic and revenue.

How to Get Google Featured Snippets Fast (11 Easy Steps)

I’ve spent the last few years blogging full-time. Here are my 11 best methods (steps) for how to get a Google Featured Snippet fast.

1. Choose a Long-tail, Low Competition Keyword

To increase your chances of getting a featured snippet, focus on long-tail keywords that have low competition.

This will make it easier for your content to rank for the keyword and for Google to feature it in a snippet.

For example, instead of targeting the keyword “fitness tips,” which has high competition, you could target the long-tail keyword “best fitness tips for beginners with no equipment,” which may have lower competition.

By targeting a more specific keyword, you increase your chances of getting a featured snippet for that keyword.

You can easily find these keywords with tools like RankIQ.

2. Answer the Question Immediately in the Introduction

To improve your chances of getting a featured snippet, answer the main question immediately in the introduction of your content.

This will make it easier for Google to identify your content as a relevant answer to the user’s query.

For example, if the main question is “how to lose weight fast,” you could start your content with a sentence like “Losing weight fast requires a combination of diet and exercise.”

This immediately introduces the main topic and communicates to Google that your content is directly related and useful to the user’s search query.

Then you go into a more specific answer to the keyword/topic that gives detailed advice.

3. Bold or Highlight the Paragraph You Want Google to Use for Your Featured Snippet

Once you’ve specifically answered the main question, highlight the paragraph that you want Google to use for the featured snippet.

This will make it more prominent and increase its chances of being selected.

For example, pretend that the paragraph that you want to feature is:

To lose weight fast, start by focusing on a calorie deficit, incorporating strength training and cardio exercises, and making healthy dietary choices like eating plenty of protein and fiber. By following these strategies and staying consistent, you can achieve your weight loss goals quickly and safely.

As in the example, you could bold or italicize the paragraph to make it stand out.

That’s what I do.

This will make it easier for Google to identify the most relevant answer to the user’s query.

4. Provide a Concise Answer in Under 300 Characters

Your featured snippet answer should be concise and to the point, ideally under 300 characters.

A shorter snippet paragraph will make it easy for users to read and for Google to display.

For example, if the main question is “how to make pancakes,” your featured snippet answer could be “To make pancakes, mix flour, eggs, and milk in a bowl and cook on a griddle. It will take between 3-5 minutes.”

This answer is concise, easy to read, and provides a clear answer to the user’s query.

As a rule of thumb, I like to keep these snippet-bait paragraphs between 200-300 characters.

5. Repeat the Keyword as a Question

Repeat the long-tail keyword as a question right before you create the featured snippet answer.

This will reinforce the relevance of your content to the user’s query.

For example, if the long-tail keyword is “how to make a website for beginners,” you could repeat it as a question like “Here’s how to make a website as a beginner.”

By repeating the keyword as a question, you signal to Google that your answer matches the user’s query.

6. Use an AI Writer to Write the Google Featured Snippet Answer

You can use ChatGPT (or any other AI writer) to generate a featured snippet answer for you.

Simply provide a prompt such as:

Please pretend to be Google and write a Google Featured Snippet Paragraph that concisely answers the main question of this article in under 300 characters. Keep the snippet between 200 and 300 characters. Please bold the snippet from start to finish. Begin the snippet with, “[Insert a starter phrase]…”

Using AI to generate your featured snippet answer can save you time and help you create a concise and relevant answer that’s optimized for Google.

Here is a good video I made about how to get Google Featured Snippets with ChatGPT:

YouTube Video by Writing Secrets (that’s me 🙂 – How To Get Google Featured Snippets Fast

7. Structure your Content with Clear Subheadings

To improve the readability and structure of your content, use clear subheadings to break up your content into smaller sections.

For example, if your content is about “how to start a business,” you could use subheadings like “Step 1: Research the Market,” “Step 2: Come Up With a Business Strategy,” and “Step 3: Make Your Business Legal”

This makes it easier for users to navigate your content and find the information they need.

It also makes your article more optimized to rank high on Google.

8. Provide Comprehensive and Detailed Content

Your content should provide comprehensive and detailed information on the topic.

This will increase the value and usefulness of your content to users and increase its chances of being featured in a snippet.

For example, if your content is about “how to bake a cake,” you could provide detailed information on ingredients, equipment, baking techniques, and troubleshooting tips.

The more valuable and informative to users, the more likely Google will feature your article in a snippet.

9. Optimize Your Content for SEO

To improve your chances of ranking high in Google, optimize your content for SEO.

Using relevant keywords, meta tags, and assess your website’s speed and mobile responsiveness.

You can optimize your website’s speed by using a better content delivery network (CDN) and compressing images.

Hosting companies I recommend:

10. Include Relevant Images and Videos

Including relevant images and videos can greatly enhance the user experience and increase engagement with your content.

Consider creating a video that directly answers the main question or topic of your article.

For example, if your content is about “how to do a push-up,” you could create a video that demonstrates proper form and technique.

Visuals will make your content more engaging and informative to users and increase its chances of being shared and featured in a snippet.

11. Publish on High Domain Authority Websites

Another fast way to get a Google Featured Snippet is to publish your content on high domain authority websites like Medium.

High domain authority websites are those that have a high level of trust and credibility in the eyes of Google’s algorithm.

They are more likely to be featured in the search results.

Why does this work? Because Google views content on these websites as more trustworthy and valuable.

In addition to publishing on high domain authority websites, you can also increase the authority of your own website by focusing on topical relevance, producing high-quality content, and building organic backlinks.

Examples of Getting a Google Featured Snippet Fast

To help you understand how to get a Google featured snippet fast, let’s look at some examples in different niches.

These examples will provide you with a better understanding of how to apply the 10 steps to your own content and increase your chances of getting featured in a snippet.

Example 1: Fitness

Long-tail keyword: Best exercises for lower back pain relief.

Introduction: Lower back pain is a widespread problem impacting millions of people across the globe. Luckily, there are multiple exercises that can alleviate lower back pain and enhance your overall well-being. This article will discuss the most effective exercises for relief from lower back pain.

Restated Topic/Keyword: What are the Best Exercises for Lower Back Pain?

Google Featured Snippet: The best exercises for lower back pain relief include cat-cow stretch, pelvic tilt, and seated spinal twist. These exercises help stretch and strengthen your lower back, providing relief from pain and discomfort.

Example 2: Finance

Long-tail keyword: How to start investing with little money.

Introduction: Investing is a great way to grow your wealth over time, but many people believe that you need a lot of money to get started. The truth is, you can start investing with as little as $50. In this article, we’ll share how to start investing with little money.

Restated Topic/Keyword: Here’s how to start investing with little money.

Google Featured Snippet: To start investing with little money, consider using a micro-investing app like Acorns or Robinhood. These apps allow you to invest small amounts of money in stocks, bonds, and ETFs. You can also invest in index funds or start a retirement account with a low minimum investment.

Example 3: Travel

Long-tail keyword: Best destinations for solo female travelers.

Introduction: Solo travel can be an empowering and life-changing experience, but safety is a top priority for many female travelers.

Restated Topic/Keyword: What are the safest destinations for solo female travelers?

Google Featured snippet: The safest destinations for solo female travelers include Japan, Iceland, and New Zealand. These countries are known for their safety, friendly locals, and stunning natural beauty. Other safe and enjoyable destinations for solo female travelers include Canada, Norway, and Costa Rica.

Example 4: Education

Long-tail keyword: How to study for exams in a week.

Introduction: Sometimes life gets in the way, and you find yourself with only a week to study for an exam. While it’s not ideal, it’s still possible to pass your exam with flying colors if you use your time wisely. In this article, we’ll share how to study for exams in a week.

Restated Topic/Keyword: Here’s how to study for exams in a week.

Google featured snippet: To study for exams in a week, create a study schedule, prioritize your materials, and use active learning techniques like flashcards and practice exams. You can also use study apps like Quizlet or Khan Academy to review materials quickly and efficiently.

Example 5: Food

Long-tail keyword: Healthy meal prep ideas for fast weight loss.

Introduction: Meal prep is a great way to save time and stay on track with your weight loss goals. By preparing healthy meals in advance, you can avoid the temptation to eat unhealthy foods when you’re busy or stressed. In this article, we’ll share some healthy meal prep ideas for fast weight loss.

Restated Topic/Keyword: Here are healthy meal prep ideas for fast weight loss.

Google featured snippet: Healthy meal prep ideas for fast weight loss include roasted vegetables and chicken, quinoa bowls with roasted veggies and avocado, and Mason jar salads with chicken and balsamic vinaigrette. These meals are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making them perfect for weight loss.

Even Faster Ways to Get Google Featured Snippets

In addition to the methods we’ve already discussed, there are some even faster ways to get Google Featured Snippets.

These methods can help you get featured more quickly and with less competition.

1. Go After Keywords That Already Have a Featured Snippet

One way to get featured more quickly is to go after keywords that already have a featured snippet but are still low competition.

There’s already a featured snippet for that keyword, but there’s still room for other content to rank in the search results.

For example, if you search for “how to start a podcast,” you might see a featured snippet with a step-by-step guide. However, there are still other articles ranking below the featured snippet.

By targeting this keyword and providing a unique and valuable perspective, you could potentially get featured above the other articles.

2. Target Keywords Where Forums Rank in the Top Spots

Another way to get featured more quickly is to target keywords where forums rank in the top spots.

When forums rank high (even in the #1 spot), you can usually easy beat them with a full article.

Let’s say you search for “how to fix a leaky faucet with no tools,” you theoretically could see a forum post from Home Improvement Stack Exchange in the featured snippet.

If so, you could write an 1,000 word article (perhaps even made a short how-to video) and grab the snippet.

3. Write About Topics That Have Never Been Covered Before

Write about topics that have never been covered before to get faster featured snippets.

You find a gap in the content and provide a unique and valuable perspective on the topic. If you are the only answer to the question, then Google has little choice but to put your content in the top ranking poistion.

And you could also get a featured snippet.

For example, if you search for “how to train for a marathon,” you’ll find a lot of articles and guides on the topic.

However, if you write about “how to train for a marathon with a vision disability,” you may have a better chance of getting featured in the snippet if there’s no other content covering that specific topic.

4. Apply Schema Markup

Schema markup provides additional information about the content on your website.

It’s about helping the almighty search engine algorithms understanding your content. The result is enhanced search results and potentially being featured in a Google Featured Snippet.

For example, if you have a recipe website, you can use recipe schema markup to provide detailed information about the recipe, including ingredients, cooking time, and nutritional information.

This will make it easier for Google to feature your content in the recipe snippet and provide users with valuable and relevant information.

5. Provide Multiple Unique Answers to the Main Question

Finally, another way to increase your chances of getting featured in the snippet is to provide multiple answers to the main question.

This means providing a variety of perspectives, tips, and solutions to the user’s query.

Better yet, unique ideas that other articles or videos didn’t cover in their content.

For example, if the main question is “how to save money on groceries,” you could provide tips like “buy in bulk,” “use coupons,” and “meal prep in advance.”

By providing multiple answers, you increase your chances of getting featured in the snippet and providing valuable information to readers.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Google Featured Snippet?

A new website can get a featured snippet fast: Approximately 2-12 months, following the strategies in this guide.

The more established your site (and the more authoritative), the faster you can get Google Featured Snippets.

For example, this site ( has ranked new articles on the first page of Google in a few hours.

It has also won a number of Google Featured Snippets with a few days or weeks. It doesn’t always happen that fast (or happen at all) but you can get featured snippets fast.

That said, the time it takes to get a Google featured snippet can vary depending on a number of factors.

Factors that can affect the time it takes to get featured include the competitiveness of the keyword, the quality of the content, and the relevance.

It’s important to keep in mind that getting featured in a snippet should not be the only goal of your content.

While it can certainly provide a boost in visibility and traffic, the ultimate goal should be to provide valuable and relevant information to your audience.

Can You Pay To Get a Google Featured Snippet? (Spoiler: No)

The answer is “no,” you cannot pay to get featured in a Google Featured Snippet.

Google’s algorithm determines which content gets featured based on its relevance and usefulness to the user’s query. Paying for a featured snippet would go against Google’s policy of providing the best and most relevant results to its users.

It’s important to note that there are services and tools available that claim to help you get featured in a snippet.

But these are generally ineffective and can even harm your website’s ranking in the long run.

These services often rely on black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing and link manipulation, which can result in penalties from Google.

The best way to get featured in a Google featured snippet is to follow the steps we discussed and create high-quality, relevant, and valuable content.

Types of Google Featured Snippets That You Can Get Fast

Google featured snippets come in various formats, including paragraph snippets, bulleted lists, numbered lists, tables, and more.

By understanding the different types of featured snippets, you can optimize your content to increase your chances of getting featured in a snippet and providing value to your audience.

1. Paragraph Snippets

The most frequently seen type of featured snippet is the paragraph snippet, which usually appears at the top of search results.

These snippets provide a brief and direct answer to the user’s query, often in a paragraph format.

To optimize your content for paragraph snippets, you should focus on providing a clear and concise answer to the user’s query in the first few sentences of your content.

This answer should be directly relevant to the user’s query and should provide value and usefulness to the user.

If I’ve done my job right, I used this exact type at the beginning of this article.

2. Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Bulleted and numbered lists are another common type of featured snippet.

These snippets feature a list of items or steps that provide a direct and concise answer to the user’s query.

To optimize your content for bulleted and numbered lists, you should focus on providing a clear and concise list of items or steps that directly answer the user’s query.

You should also use formatting techniques like bolding and italicizing to make the list more visually appealing and easier to read.

3. Tables

Tables are another type of featured snippet that can provide a clear and concise answer to the user’s query.

These snippets feature a table of data or information that is relevant and useful to the user.

To optimize your content for tables, you should focus on providing clear and concise data or information that can be presented in a table format.

You should also consider use formatting techniques like bolding and coloring to make the table more visually appealing and easier to read.

How To Get Faster Google Featured Snippets? (According to Google)

Google Featured Snippets are chosen based on Google’s algorithm, which uses a number of factors to determine the relevance and usefulness of content for a user’s query.

According to Google, featured snippets are chosen based on the following factors:

1. Relevance and Usefulness of Content

Google’s algorithm looks for content that is relevant and useful to a user’s query.

Your content should provide a direct and concise answer to the user’s question. And that’s exactly why I recommend answering the main question right at the top of the blog post.

2. Content Quality and Structure

Google’s algorithm looks for high-quality content that is well-structured and easy to read.

This means that the content should be free from errors, provide clear and concise information, and be formatted in a way that is easy to understand.

3. Keyword Optimization

Google’s algorithm looks for content that is optimized for the user’s query.

This means that the content should use relevant keywords and phrases throughout the text, and in particular, in the answer to the user’s question.

You can use the free RankMath WordPress plug in (like I do) or a more sophisticated tool like Surfer.

4. Authority and Trustworthiness of the Source

Google’s algorithm looks for content that comes from authoritative and trustworthy sources.

This means that the content should come from sources that are known for their expertise, credibility, and reliability.

You can develop this by writing about the same topic a lot, publishing books on the topic, or otherwise showcasing your experience in the blog post and on your About Me page.

5. User Feedback and Engagement

Google’s algorithm looks at user feedback and engagement to determine the relevance and usefulness of content.

This means that the content should receive positive feedback and engagement from users, such as clicks, shares, and comments.

Can You Get Faster Google Featured Snippets By Answering Multiple Questions in the Same Article?

You can get more than one Google featured snippet from the same article, but it’s important to note that Google typically only features one snippet per search query.

This means that if your content is relevant to multiple search queries, it could potentially be featured in multiple snippets.

However, it’s important to optimize each article for a single main Google featured snippet.

By focusing on a single main snippet, you can provide a clear and concise answer to the user’s query and increase your chances of getting featured in the snippet.

If you try to optimize your content for multiple snippets, you could end up diluting the focus of your article and confusing Google.

This could lead to lower visibility and decreased engagement.

Your best bet is to concentrate on one featured snippet at a time.

Final Thoughts: How To Get Google Featured Snippets Fast?

To summarize, the best ways I’ve found to get Google Featured Snippets fast are to write high quality content on low-competition topics in your area of expertise, and include your snippet target paragraph in the intro.

I hope this guide helps you get a lot of snippets!

If you’re looking for how to write an entire blog post with AI, I’ve got a good article for that.

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