180 Words That Start With W (With Definitions)

We’ve curated 180+ words beginning with “W” across various categories, all with their definitions. Wriggle yourself into your favorite spot and get ready to wrestle W words into submission.

Words That Start With W: Common Words

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Stick people in action -- words that start with w
I made this image with AI — words that start with w

Let’s start simple. These are the words you hear often, but do you know their true meanings?

  1. Wagon – A vehicle for transporting goods or passengers, usually drawn by horses.
  2. Waive – To refrain from insisting on or using a right or claim.
  3. Wander – To move about aimlessly or without a fixed course.
  4. Warp – To distort or twist out of shape.
  5. Wasp – A stinging insect of the Hymenoptera order.
  6. Wealth – An abundance of valuable possessions or money.
  7. Weary – Feeling tired or exhausted.
  8. Weapon – An instrument used for attack or defense.
  9. Welcome – To greet someone in a friendly way.
  10. Welfare – The well-being, comfort, and success of an individual or community.
  11. Whack – To strike with a sharp blow.
  12. Whale – A large marine mammal of the cetacean family.
  13. Whisper – To speak softly without vibration of the vocal cords.
  14. Whistle – A high-pitched sound made by forcing air through a small opening.
  15. Widen – To make or become wider.
  16. Wield – To hold and use (a tool or weapon).
  17. Willpower – Control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.
  18. Window – An opening in a wall or roof to admit light or air.
  19. Winter – The coldest season of the year.
  20. Wisdom – The ability to make good decisions based on experience, knowledge, and insight.
  21. Wizard – A person who is highly skilled in a particular field.
  22. Wonder – A feeling of amazement and admiration.
  23. Work – Activity involving mental or physical effort.
  24. World – The planet Earth, including its land, people, and natural features.
  25. Worth – The value of something in terms of its qualities or usefulness.
  26. Woven – Made by interlacing threads or strips.
  27. Wreck – Something that has been destroyed or badly damaged.
  28. Write – To compose text or documents.
  29. Wrong – Not correct or true.
  30. Wry – Using or expressing dry, mocking humor.

Words That Start With W: Unique Words

Ready for a challenge? These words are less common but definitely intriguing.

  1. Waddle – To move with small steps while rocking from side to side.
  2. Wager – To bet or stake something on the result of an event.
  3. Wainscot – Decorative wooden paneling covering the lower part of a wall.
  4. Waft – To pass or cause to pass gently through the air.
  5. Wane – To decrease in size, extent, or degree.
  6. Wanton – Reckless, deliberate, and unprovoked.
  7. Ward – A division of a hospital or prison.
  8. Warp – To bend or distort.
  9. Wassail – To drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others.
  10. Whet – To make a blade sharper or keener.
  11. Whiff – A slight smell or trace of something.
  12. Whim – A sudden desire or change of mind.
  13. Whinny – A gentle, high-pitched neigh of a horse.
  14. Whorl – A pattern of spirals or concentric circles.
  15. Wicker – Flexible twigs or branches woven to make furniture.
  16. Widget – A small gadget or mechanical device.
  17. Wildcard – A card or symbol in a game that substitutes for any other card or symbol.
  18. Winnow – To remove chaff from grain by blowing air.
  19. Witchery – The practice of witchcraft.
  20. Wobble – To move unsteadily from side to side.
  21. Woolgathering – Daydreaming.
  22. Wreath – An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring.
  23. Wriggle – To twist and turn with quick movements.
  24. Wrought – Shaped by hammering or beating.
  25. Wryneck – A type of bird known for its twisting neck movements.
  26. Wamble – To feel nausea or discomfort in the stomach.
  27. Wayfarer – A traveler, especially on foot.
  28. Whalebone – A flexible material once used in corsetry, derived from baleen whales.
  29. Widdershins – Counterclockwise or in a direction contrary to the usual.
  30. Withy – A flexible, slender twig or branch.

Positive Words That Start With W

Let’s spread some positivity with words that inspire, motivate, and uplift—all starting with the letter “W.”

  1. Warm – Having or showing affection, kindness, or enthusiasm.
  2. Welcome – Received with gladness or approval.
  3. Winsome – Attractive or appealing in appearance or character.
  4. Wholesome – Conducive to moral or general well-being; healthy.
  5. Wonderful – Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration.
  6. Worthy – Deserving of respect or attention.
  7. Witty – Showing quick and inventive verbal humor.
  8. Wealthy – Having an abundance of valuable resources or possessions.
  9. Well-being – A state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
  10. Wise – Showing good judgment and knowledge gained from experience.
  11. Winning – Gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory.
  12. Worship – To show reverence and adoration.
  13. Warmhearted – Sympathetic, kind, or affectionate.
  14. Wieldy – Easily handled or used.
  15. Welcoming – Friendly or inviting.
  16. Workable – Capable of being done or achieved.
  17. Wondrous – Inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight.
  18. Willing – Ready, eager, or prepared to do something.
  19. Well-grounded – Having a solid basis of knowledge or reasoning.
  20. Wow – To impress greatly or excite admiration.
  21. Whiz – A person who is very skilled in a particular area.
  22. Worthwhile – Worth the time, money, or effort spent.
  23. Wonderment – A state of awe or admiration.
  24. Watchful – Alert and vigilant.
  25. Well-spoken – Speaking in an articulate or polished manner.
  26. Winsomely – Done in a charming or engaging way.
  27. Wholehearted – Completely enthusiastic and sincere.
  28. Winner – A person or thing that wins something.
  29. Workmanship – The skill with which something is made or done.
  30. Wishful – Expressing or indicating a desire or hope.

5-Letter Words That Start With W

Let’s keep it concise and focused with these snappy five-letter W-words.

  1. Wafer – A thin, crisp biscuit or slice.
  2. Wagon – A vehicle for carrying goods or passengers.
  3. Wacky – Eccentric or amusingly odd.
  4. Waste – To use or expend carelessly.
  5. Water – A clear, colorless liquid that is essential for life.
  6. Watch – A small timepiece worn or carried.
  7. Whale – A large marine mammal.
  8. Whisk – To beat or stir quickly.
  9. Wheat – A cereal plant used for bread and pasta.
  10. Whirl – To spin quickly.
  11. Wired – Connected or having nervous energy.
  12. Witty – Clever and amusing.
  13. Whack – To strike with a heavy blow.
  14. While – During the time.
  15. Widen – To make broader.
  16. Wider – Having a greater extent from side to side.
  17. Windy – Characterized by strong wind.
  18. Wiser – Showing good judgment.
  19. Weave – To form by interlacing threads.
  20. Whiff – A slight smell or trace.
  21. Where – In or to what place or position.
  22. Whine – To complain or make a high-pitched sound.
  23. White – The color of milk or fresh snow.
  24. Woken – Having been roused from sleep.
  25. Wound – An injury or to wrap tightly.
  26. Wreck – Something destroyed or badly damaged.
  27. Wrong – Not correct or true.
  28. Wrung – Past tense of wring, meaning to twist.
  29. Waxen – Made of or resembling wax.
  30. Wimpy – Lacking courage or strength.

Miscellaneous Words That Start With W

Now let’s explore W-words across all kinds of themes.

  1. Wafture – The act of waving or beckoning.
  2. Wacky – Eccentric or amusingly unconventional.
  3. Wanderlust – A strong desire to travel.
  4. Wimple – A cloth traditionally worn by medieval women to cover the head and neck.
  5. Whinge – To complain persistently.
  6. Whisk – To take or move something in a particular direction suddenly.
  7. Whorl – A pattern of spirals or concentric circles.
  8. Warp – A twist or distortion in a shape.
  9. Wharf – A flat area beside water where ships dock to load or unload.
  10. Whelp – A young animal, especially a puppy.
  11. Wend – To go in a specified direction.
  12. Wickerwork – Items made of woven twigs.
  13. Wobble – To shake or sway unsteadily.
  14. Wriggle – To twist and turn with quick movements.
  15. Wafer – A thin, crisp biscuit.
  16. Wain – A large open farm wagon.
  17. Wherewithal – The money or means needed for a purpose.
  18. Wistful – Having or showing a feeling of vague longing.
  19. Wedge – A triangular piece of material.
  20. Whir – A low, continuous, regular sound.
  21. Wallow – To roll around in something (often mud).
  22. Whisker – A long projecting hair or bristle.
  23. Whelp – A young animal or offspring.
  24. Wombat – A burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupial.
  25. Wield – To handle a tool or weapon effectively.
  26. Winnow – To separate grain from chaff.
  27. Wisp – A small thin or twisted bunch of something.
  28. Whirl – To rotate or spin quickly.
  29. Whimper – To make low, feeble sounds of pain or fear.
  30. Wink – To close and open one eye quickly as a signal.
  31. Waddle – To walk clumsily with short steps, swaying from side to side.
  32. Wage – Payment for work or services.
  33. Waive – To give up voluntarily.
  34. Wains – Plural of wain, meaning a large farm wagon.
  35. Walkie – A shorthand for a walkie-talkie device.
  36. Wallop – To hit with a heavy blow.
  37. Wamble – To move unsteadily or feel queasy.
  38. Warble – To sing with a trilling sound.
  39. Warder – A guard, especially in a prison.
  40. Ware – Goods or products for sale.
  41. Warn – To inform someone in advance of possible danger.
  42. Warrior – A person skilled in combat or conflict.
  43. Washout – An event or situation that is a complete failure.
  44. Watery – Containing, consisting of, or resembling water.
  45. Waxer – A person or tool used for waxing surfaces.
  46. Waylay – To stop or interrupt someone unexpectedly.
  47. Weald – A wooded area or forest.
  48. Wean – To gradually withdraw from dependency.
  49. Weird – Strange or unusual.
  50. Welder – A person who joins metal pieces by welding.
  51. Welkin – The sky or heavens.
  52. Whelped – Gave birth to a young animal, especially a dog.
  53. Whey – The liquid part of milk that separates during cheese-making.
  54. Whippy – Flexible and springy.
  55. Whit – A very small part or amount.
  56. Wholly – Completely or entirely.
  57. Wicket – A small gate or the stumps in cricket.
  58. Wiggle – To move up and down or from side to side with small movements.
  59. Windfall – An unexpected gain or advantage.
  60. Wishbone – A forked bone in birds often associated with good luck.

For a fun way to learn words that start with W, check out the song in this video:

YouTube Video by ABCmouse.com Early Learning Academy — Words That Start With W

Final Thoughts: Words That Start With W

There you have it: a whopping 300+ words that start with “W”.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your vocabulary, impress your friends, or just geek out on words, this list is your ultimate guide.

Use them in your daily life and watch your linguistic prowess soar.

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