Welcome to the ultimate guide to words that start with the letter O.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a word enthusiast, a parent looking for educational fun, or just someone who loves the English language, this mega list of 700 unique words beginning with O is sure to entertain and educate.
O Words for Kids
![The Phrase WORDS THAT START WITH 0 with a smiley face on the O](https://www.writingbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/The-Phrase-WORDS-THAT-START-WITH-0-with-a-smiley-face-on-the-O.jpg)
Let’s start with some fun and easy words that kids will love to learn.
- Ocean
- Octopus
- Orange
- Owl
- Oven
- Olive
- Oink
- Oval
- Oasis
- Orca
- Ostrich
- Otter
- Orchard
- Oatmeal
- Onion
- Oxygen
- Ouch
- Omelet
- Organ
- Out
- Ox
Nice Words That Start With O
These pleasant words starting with O are sure to brighten your day.
- Optimistic
- Outstanding
- Original
- Open-hearted
- Outgoing
- Open-minded
- Organized
- Opulent
- Obliging
- Observant
- Opportunity
- Overflowing
- Ovation
- Oneness
- Orderly
- Objective
- Ornate
- Open-handed
Hard Words That Start With the Letter O
Ready to challenge your vocabulary? Try these tough O words.
- Obfuscate
- Obsequious
- Obstreperous
- Obliterate
- Ophthalmology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- Orthogonal
- Oscillate
- Obdurate
- Oleaginous
- Obeisance
- Obsolescence
- Obstetrician
- Ophiology
- Osmosis
- Oblation
- Obloquy
- Obsidian
- Odontology
- Onomatopoeia
Unique Words That Start with O
Stand out with these unique and interesting O words.
- Omnipotent
- Oxymoron
- Obelisk
- Omniscient
- Oscilloscope
- Oenology
- Obeah
- Ocarina
- Obcordate
- Oology
- Osmium
- Ornithology
- Oubliette
- Oxidize
- Oratorio
- Oblate
- Omphalos
- Oriel
- Oleander
- Orogeny
3-Letter Words That Start With O
Short and sweet, these three-letter O words are handy to know.
- Oak
- Oar
- Oat
- Odd
- Ode
- Off
- Ohm
- Oil
- Old
- One
- Orb
- Ore
- Our
- Out
- Obi
- Oaf
- Opt
- Ooh
- Ova
- Oxy
5-Letter Words That Start With O
Expand your vocabulary with these five-letter gems.
- Oaken
- Occur
- Offer
- Other
- Order
- Outer
- Owner
- Ounce
- Orbit
- Omega
- Ought
- Odder
- Opine
- Ovary
- Ozone
- Onset
- Opium
- Owlet
- Oxbow
Positive Words That Start With O
Spread positivity with these uplifting O words.
- Optimism
- Overcome
- Open
- Obedient
- Organize
- Opportunity
- Overflow
- Oomph
- Originality
- Obtain
- Onward
- Omnipresent
- Offer
- Ongoing
- Openhearted
- Overjoyed
- Optimist
- Opportune
Action Verbs That Start With the Letter O
Get moving with these action-packed O verbs.
- Observe
- Obstruct
- Obey
- Occupy
- Offset
- Operate
- Originate
- Overlook
- Override
- Oversee
- Overwrite
- Omit
- Oppose
- Optimize
- Obscure
- Obviate
- Obtain
- Officiate
- Orchestrate
- Overcome
Adjectives That Start With the Letter O
Describe the world with these O adjectives.
- Oblong
- Obvious
- Odd
- Official
- Old
- Open
- Onerous
- Optional
- Oral
- Organic
- Ornate
- Orthodox
- Obsolete
- Opaque
- Oval
- Overdue
- Overt
- Own
- Oily
- Omniscient
Animals That Start With the Letter O
Explore the animal kingdom with these O creatures.
- Okapi
- Orangutan
- Ocelot
- Opossum
- Oryx
- Osprey
- Onager
- Oyster
- Ostracod
- Olm
- Oilbird
- Orc
- Oystercatcher
- Oribi
- Oxpecker
- Ovenbird
Foods That Start With O
Feeling hungry? Check out these O foods.
- Oats
- Okra
- Oolong
- Oxtail
- Oregano
- Oatcake
- Olive oil
- Orange juice
- Ossobuco
- Oat milk
- Oeufs en meurette
- Opera cake
- Oblea
- Olallieberry
- Oyster sauce
- Okonomiyaki
- Orache
- Oshiruko
- Omelette
Scientific Terms That Start With O
Feed your curiosity with these scientific O terms.
- Orbit
- Organism
- Optics
- Ontology
- Oncology
- Orthopedics
- Orthogenesis
- Osmoregulation
- Oceanography
- Osteology
- Organogenesis
- Ophiolite
- Oceanology
- Oogenesis
- Osteoporosis
- Oligonucleotide
- Osmium
- Ozone
- Oxyacid
Words That Start With O and End With Letters A-Z
In this section, I will go over all the words that start with the letter O and end with one of the letters of the alphabet.
Words That Start With O and End With A
These O words wrap up with an A.
- Opera
- Omega
- Oceania
- Olea
- Ostia
- Onagra
- Orenda
- Ottava
Words That Start With O and End With B
There are not many words that start with O and end with B, but here are two.
- Ob
- Orb
Words That Start With O and End With C
These words start with O and end with C.
- Optic
- Orthopedic
- Obstetric
- Oceanic
- Odontic
- Orthorhombic
- Oxidic
- Ontologic
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With D
Let’s look at some O words ending with D.
- Overload
- Offered
- Obtained
- Observed
- Ordered
- Opened
- Overused
- Outdated
- Optimized
- Overheard
- Offload
- Outlived
- Overcrowded
- Outward
- Oxidized
- Overjoyed
- Outspread
- Outdid
- Outbred
- Overbred
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With E
These O words have an E at the end.
- Office
- Oblique
- Obscure
- Objective
- Observe
- Obsolete
- Opposite
- Operate
- Oracle
- Ozone
- Ordinate
- Originate
- Oxide
- Offense
- Overcome
- Oppose
- Oblige
- Oscillate
- Ovine
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With F
Here are some O words ending with F.
- Oaf
- Off
- Outf
- Orf (a viral disease in sheep)
- Overproof
Words That Start With O and End With G
Add these O words ending with G to your list.
- Operating
- Observing
- Offering
- Opening
- Organizing
- Outdoing
- Overtaking
- Overcoming
- Outliving
- Overhearing
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With H
These words start with O and end with H.
- Oomph
- Outreach
- Overshadow
- Overwash
- Overgrowth
- Outweigh
- Overstretch
- Oafish
- Oddish
- Offish
Words That Start With O and End With I
Exotic words ending with I.
- Obi
- Origami
- Oribi
- Oviri
- Onagri
- Omiai
- Ossi
- Otari
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With K
Check out these words I collected that start with the letter O and end with the letter K.
- Oak
- Outlook
- Overlook
- Outbreak
- Overwork
- Overcook
- Overspeak
- Overbook
- Overshock
- Outcrook
Words That Start With O and End With L
These O words end with L. How many do you know? How many are new words to you?
- Oatmeal
- Oral
- Oval
- Official
- Optional
- Occipital
- Opal
- Ordeal
- Overhaul
- Occidental
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With M
Let’s look at O words ending with M.
- Otium
- Organism
- Onium
- Opium
- Optimum
- Osmium
- Organum
- Ostium
- Occultism
- Optimism
Words That Start With O and End With N
Common O words ending with N.
- Option
- Oxygen
- Operation
- Organization
- Opinion
- Obligation
- Origin
- Occupation
- Observation
- Opposition
- Orphan
- Orientation
- Oscillation
- Overpopulation
- Oxidation
- Obsession
- Omission
Words That Start With O and End With O
These special words start and end with O.
- Onto
- Oratorio
- Olio
- Othello
- Outdo
- Outgo
- Overdo
- Orzo (removed duplicate from Foods)
- Octavo
- Oleo
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With R
These words end with R.
- Order
- Other
- Offer
- Owner
- Officer
- Observer
- Operator
- Organizer
- Originator
- Overseer
Words That Start With O and End With S
Plural words ending with S.
- Options
- Orders
- Objects
- Offices
- Opportunities
- Operations
- Organizations
- Opinions
- Observations
- Owners
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With T
Here are O words that that end with T.
- Out
- Object
- Obstruct
- Occult
- Octet
- Offbeat
- Outfit
- Outright
- Oversight
- Overreact
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With W
Don’t skip these O words that end on the letter W.
- Outlaw
- Overdraw
- Oversaw
- Overview
Words That Start With the Letter O and End With Y
We are almost to the end now with these O words that end with the letter Y.
- Obesity
- Obituary
- Objectify
- Obloquy
- Odyssey
- Oily
- Oligarchy
- Ontology
Additional O Words
Let’s add even more words to complete our mega list.
- Obdurate
- Obedience
- Obelisk
- Objector
- Oblation
- Obligee
- Oblong
- Obnoxious
- Obscene
- Observant
- Obsess
- Obstacle
- Obstinate
- Obtrude
- Obverse
- Obviate
- Occasional
- Occasion
- Occiput
- Occlude
- Occlusion
- Occupant
- Oceanic
- Octagon
- Octal
- Octane
- Octant
- Octave
- October
- Octogenarian
- Ocular
- Odious
- Odin
- Odor
- Offense
- Officiate
- Officious
- Offshore
- Ogle
- Oilcloth
- Oilskin
- Ointment
- Ojibwa
- Okenite
- Olden
- Oldie
- Oleic
- Oleomargarine
- Oligocene
- Olympic
- Omen
- Ominous
- Omnibus
- Omnivore
- Onlooker
- Online
- Onrush
- Onward
- Oodles
- Oolite
- Opine
- Opponent
- Oppress
- Optical
- Optician
- Oracle
- Orate
- Orbit
- Orchestra
- Orchid
- Ordain
- Ordeal
- Ordinary
- Ordinal
- Ordinance
- Ordure
- Organ
- Organic
- Orient
- Oriental
- Original
- Oriole
- Ornament
- Orthodox
- Orthodontist
- Ossify
- Ossuary
- Osteopath
- Osteopathy
- Ostracize
- Otherwise
- Ought
- Ounce
- Outage
- Outback
- Outbid
- Outcome
- Outdoor
- Outfield
- Outlet
- Outline
- Outlook
- Output
- Outrage
- Outsell
- Outside
- Outsider
- Outskirts
- Outspoken
- Outwit
- Overall
- Overact
- Overcast
- Overcharge
- Overcook
- Overcrowd
- Overdo
- Overdose
- Overeat
- Overhead
- Overhear
- Overjoy
- Overkill
- Overlap
- Overlay
- Overpay
- Overpower
- Overrate
- Overrun
- Overshoot
- Overt
- Overture
- Overturn
- Ovulate
- Ovum
- Owe
- Ox
- Oxen
- Oxidant
- Oyer
- Oyez
- Obbligato
- Obsolescent
- Outmaneuver
- Overexert
- Overindulge
- Overwhelm
- Outperform
- Outplay
- Outpouring
- Outrank
- Outrageous
- Outrun
- Outshine
- Outstretch
- Outstrip
- Outsmart
- Overabundance
- Overachieve
- Overambitious
- Overanalyze
- Overbearing
- Overboard
- Overburden
- Overcareful
- Overconfident
- Overcritical
- Overdevelop
- Overdone
- Overdrawn
- Overdrive
- Overemphasize
- Overenthusiastic
- Overestimate
- Overexcited
- Overexpose
- Overextend
- Overfull
- Overgeneralize
- Overhasty
- Overlie
- Overlong
- Overly
- Oviform
- Oviparous
- Ovoviviparous
- Ovoid
- Oxyacetylene
- Oxygenate
- Oxymel
- Oxytone
- Ozonize
- Ozonosphere
- Ozonize
- Ozonide
- Obole
- Obovate
- Obscurant
- Obsequies
- Obstetrics
- Obtest
- Obturate
- Ocotillo
- Ocrea
- Octachord
- Octillion
- Octopod
- Octosyllable
- Odograph
- Odoriferous
- Oecology
- Oersted
- Oestrus
- Offal
- Offprint
- Offscouring
- Ogive
- Oleaster
- Oleograph
- Oleoresin
- Oleum
- Olibanum
- Oligarch
- Oologist
- Obcordate
- Obelize
- Obfuscation
- Oblanceolate
- Obnubilate
- Obsecrate
- Obsequy
- Obstipation
- Oblation
- Obtestation
- Obtrusive
- Obumbrate
- Obvolute
- Occident
- Occidentalism
- Occultist
- Oceanarium
- Oceangoing
- Ochlocracy
- Octillion
- Odalisque
- Odontalgia
- Odontoblast
- Odorless
- Oenomel
- Oenophile
- Offertory
- Oleaceous
- Oligoclase
- Ophiology
- Obliquity
- Oligotrophic
- Omnibenevolent
- Oleiculture
Here is a cute video for kids about words that start with the letter O:
How to Use Words That Start With the Letter O
Whether you’re a teacher, a student, or a language enthusiast, there are numerous ways to incorporate these O words into your learning and teaching practices.
Here’s how you can make the most out of this extensive list.
Teachers can use this list as a valuable resource to enhance vocabulary lessons and engage students in interactive activities.
- Vocabulary Building: Introduce a new O word each day to expand your students’ vocabulary.
- Spelling Bees: Organize spelling competitions using words from different difficulty levels.
- Creative Writing Prompts: Encourage students to write stories or essays incorporating a set number of O words.
- Word Games: Use the list for games like Hangman, Scrabble, or word searches to make learning fun.
- Thematic Lessons: Design lesson plans around specific categories like animals, foods, or scientific terms starting with O.
Students can leverage this list to improve their language skills and make learning more enjoyable.
- Self-Study: Pick a few words each week to learn their meanings and use them in sentences.
- Enhance Writing: Use unique and hard O words to enrich essays and creative writing assignments.
- Test Preparation: Study these words to prepare for vocabulary tests, SATs, or spelling bees.
- Peer Learning: Team up with classmates to quiz each other on definitions and spellings.
- Language Games: Challenge yourself with crosswords or word puzzles using these O words.
General Language Learners
For anyone looking to broaden their English vocabulary, this list offers a wealth of opportunities.
- Daily Vocabulary Expansion: Learn a new word every day to steadily enhance your vocabulary.
- Conversation Skills: Incorporate positive and nice O words into your daily conversations.
- Language Apps: Input these words into language learning apps to practice and memorize them.
- Cultural Exploration: Delve into words from different categories to learn about various fields like science, art, and cuisine.
- Personal Challenges: Set goals to use a certain number of new O words each week in writing or speech.
Fun Facts About Words That Start With the Letter O
Here are some fun facts about words that start with the letter O:
here are 10 fun facts that highlight some of the most interesting aspects of words starting with the letter O.
- Longest O Word: The longest word starting with O in the English language is “otorhinolaryngological,” which has 22 letters. It pertains to the medical specialty dealing with the ear, nose, and throat.
- Shortest O Words: There are several two-letter words starting with O, including “ob,” “od,” “oe,” “of,” “oh,” “oi,” “om,” “on,” “op,” “or,” “os,” “ow,” and “ox.” These are useful in word games like Scrabble.
- Palindromic O Word: The word “otto” is a palindrome, meaning it reads the same backward and forward.
- Contronym O Word: The word “oversight” is a contronym—it has two opposite meanings: it can mean supervision or an unintentional failure to notice something.
- Most Common O Word: The word “of” is one of the most frequently used words in the English language, essential in constructing sentences.
- Unusual Plurals: The plural of “ox” is “oxen,” which is one of the few English words to form the plural with -en instead of the standard -s or -es.
- Words Borrowed from Japanese: The word “origami” is borrowed from Japanese and refers to the art of paper folding.
- Words with Double O’s: Words like “ooze,” “oops,” and “oodles” start with double O’s, creating unique sounds and spellings.
- Scientific Words: Many scientific terms start with O, such as “osmosis,” the process by which molecules pass through a semipermeable membrane, and “oxidation,” a chemical reaction involving the loss of electrons.
- Oldest English Words Starting with O: Words like “one,” “out,” and “over” are among the oldest in the English language, tracing back to Old English and even Proto-Indo-European roots.
Final Thoughts: Words That Start With the Letter O
I hope you’ve enjoyed this mega guide to words that start with O.
If you’re into words as much as I am, you’re going to love all the other blog posts about letters. Check out the list I’ve hand-selected below.