Is Oz a Scrabble word?
Oz is not a Scrabble word. The word Oz is not included in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. Oz is a prefix, suffix, and proper noun, none of which is allowed in Scrabble. There are over 400 official words you can make with Oz. The shortest word you can build with Oz is Coz for 14 points.
In this article, you will learn the 10 best Oz Scrabble builds, 400 other words you can make with Oz, and how to earn the most points in the game with Oz.
Is Oz a Word? (Quick Answer)

Oz is not a word in English.
Instead, Oz is primarily an abbreviation, prefix, and suffix. Oz is an abbreviation for ounce. Oz is also the fantasy land made popular in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz.
Many people assume that Oz is simply a made-up word.
But it actually has a long history and can be found in many different contexts.
Ultimately, whether you use it as a unit of measure or as a magical destination, “Oz” is a versatile word with a long history.
Why Is Oz Not a Scrabble Word? (5 Good Reasons)
There are five good reasons that Oz is not a Scrabble word.
Those five reasons are:
- Oz is not an English word
- Oz is an abbreviation
- Oz is a prefix
- Oz is a suffix
- Oz is not in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary
Following Scrabble’s rules, you can’t play anything that predominantly serves as an abbreviation, prefix, or suffix in the game.
However, you can make a ton of legal Scrabble words with Oz. Keep reading to find out the best words to make to get the most points.
Here is a good video that talks about, “Is Oz a Scrabble Word?”:
Oz Scrabble Word Scoring
Since Oz is not a Scrabble word, Oz is not worth any points in the game.
If you could play Oz, the word would be worth 11 points. Not bad.
Here is the breakdown of the score:
- O = 1
- Z = 10
As you can see, the letter “z” is the point juggernaut in this pair of letters.
The reverse of the word, Zo, is also not worth any points in Scrabble. Yet, you can use Oz to make many other words that can earn you between 14 and 32 points.
If you use the bonus squares, you can earn even more.
10 Best Oz Scrabble Word Builds
Here are the 10 best Oz Scrabble word builds to gain points with the shortest words.
Check out this chart and then browse through the mega-list of 400 potential Oz words in the next section:
Oz Scrabble Word Builds | Scrabble Points |
Ooze | 13 |
Coz | 14 |
Doze | 14 |
Mozo | 15 |
Oozy | 15 |
Bozo | 16 |
Dozy | 17 |
Cozy | 18 |
Fozy | 19 |
Woozy | 20 |
According to the chart, the fastest build is Coz for 14 points. The easiest high-point word is Woozy.
In case you’re curious, the Oz Scrabble word that will earn you the most points in the game is cryptozoologies for 32 points.
400 Oz Scrabble Word Alternatives
You finally made it.
Here is the list of 400+ Scrabble words you can make using Oz. Because the list is so long, I separated it into three smaller lists.
You’ll find these three lists:
- Words that start with Oz
- Words that end with Oz
- Words that include Oz
Words That Start With Oz
- Ozaena
- Ozaenas
- Ozalid
- Ozalids
- Ozeki
- Ozekis
- Ozocerite
- Ozocerites
- Ozokerite
- Ozokerites
- Ozonate
- Ozonated
- Ozonates
- Ozonating
- Ozonation
- Ozonations
- Ozone
- Ozones
- Ozonic
- Ozonide
- Ozonides
- Ozoniferous
- Ozonisation
- Ozonisations
- Ozonise
- Ozonised
- Ozoniser
- Ozonisers
- Ozonises
- Ozonising
- Ozonization
- Ozonizations
- Ozonize
- Ozonized
- Ozonizer
- Ozonizers
- Ozonizes
- Ozonizing
- Ozonolyses
- Ozonolysis
- Ozonosphere
- Ozonospheres
- Ozonous
- Ozzie
- Ozzies
Words That End With Oz
- Arroz
- Coz
- Kolhoz
- Kolkhoz
- Kolkoz
- Moz
- Poz
Words That Include Oz
- Actinozoan
- Actinozoans
- Adoze
- Allozyme
- Allozymes
- Anastrozole
- Anastrozoles
- Angledozer
- Angledozers
- Antherozoid
- Antherozoids
- Antherozooid
- Antherozooids
- Anthozoan
- Anthozoans
- Anthozoic
- Antiozonant
- Antiozonants
- Apozem
- Apozems
- Archaeozoology
- Archeozoologies
- Archeozoologist
- Archeozoology
- Armozeen
- Armozeens
- Armozine
- Armozines
- Arrozes
- Bamboozle
- Bamboozled
- Bamboozlement
- Bamboozlements
- Bamboozler
- Bamboozlers
- Bamboozles
- Bamboozling
- Booze
- Boozed
- Boozehound
- Boozehounds
- Boozer
- Boozers
- Boozes
- Boozey
- Boozier
- Booziest
- Boozily
- Booziness
- Boozinesses
- Boozing
- Boozings
- Boozy
- Bozo
- Bozos
- Bozzetti
- Bozzetto
- Bryozoan
- Bryozoans
- Bulldoze
- Bulldozed
- Bulldozer
- Bulldozers
- Bulldozes
- Bulldozing
- Calfdozer
- Calfdozers
- Cenozoic
- Chernozem
- Chernozemic
- Chernozems
- Clozapine
- Clozapines
- Cloze
- Clozes
- Cocozelle
- Cocozelles
- Cooze
- Coozes
- Coprozoic
- Corozo
- Corozos
- Coze
- Cozed
- Cozen
- Cozenage
- Cozenages
- Cozened
- Cozener
- Cozeners
- Cozening
- Cozens
- Cozes
- Cozey
- Cozeys
- Cozie
- Cozied
- Cozier
- Coziers
- Cozies
- Coziest
- Cozily
- Coziness
- Cozinesses
- Cozing
- Cozy
- Cozying
- Cozzes
- Cozzie
- Cozzies
- Croze
- Crozer
- Crozers
- Crozes
- Crozier
- Croziers
- Crozzled
- Cryptozoic
- Cryptozoite
- Cryptozoites
- Cryptozoologies
- Cryptozoologist
- Cryptozoologists
- Cryptozoology
- Daminozide
- Daminozides
- Damozel
- Damozels
- Deepfroze
- Deepfrozen
- Defroze
- Defrozen
- Diplozoa
- Diplozoic
- Diplozoon
- Doozer
- Doozers
- Doozie
- Doozies
- Doozy
- Doze
- Dozed
- Dozen
- Dozened
- Dozening
- Dozens
- Dozenth
- Dozenths
- Dozer
- Dozers
- Dozes
- Dozier
- Doziest
- Dozily
- Doziness
- Dozinesses
- Dozing
- Dozings
- Dozy
- Ecozone
- Ecozones
- Ectozoa
- Ectozoan
- Ectozoans
- Ectozoic
- Ectozoon
- Endozoa
- Endozoic
- Endozoon
- Enfroze
- Enfrozen
- Entozoa
- Entozoal
- Entozoan
- Entozoans
- Entozoic
- Entozoon
- Eurozone
- Eurozones
- Fandabidozi
- Floozie
- Floozies
- Floozy
- Foozle
- Foozled
- Foozler
- Foozlers
- Foozles
- Foozling
- Foozlings
- Fozier
- Foziest
- Foziness
- Fozinesses
- Fozy
- Froze
- Frozen
- Frozenly
- Frozenness
- Frozennesses
- Gemfibrozil
- Gemfibrozils
- Gloze
- Glozed
- Glozes
- Glozing
- Glozings
- Gozzan
- Gozzans
- Grozing
- Gyoza
- Gyozas
- Haematozoa
- Haematozoon
- Heliozoan
- Heliozoans
- Heliozoic
- Hematozoa
- Hematozoon
- Heterozygoses
- Heterozygosis
- Heterozygosities
- Heterozygosity
- Heterozygote
- Heterozygotes
- Heterozygous
- Holozoic
- Homozygoses
- Homozygosis
- Homozygosities
- Homozygosity
- Homozygote
- Homozygotes
- Homozygotic
- Homozygous
- Homozygously
- Hydrozincite
- Hydrozincites
- Hydrozoa
- Hydrozoan
- Hydrozoans
- Hydrozoon
- Hylozoic
- Hylozoical
- Hylozoism
- Hylozoisms
- Hylozoist
- Hylozoistic
- Hylozoistically
- Hylozoists
- Isozyme
- Isozymes
- Isozymic
- Kolhozes
- Kolhozy
- Kolkhozes
- Kolkhoznik
- Kolkhozniki
- Kolkhozniks
- Kolkhozy
- Kolkozes
- Kolkozy
- Lalapalooza
- Lalapaloozas
- Lallapalooza
- Lallapaloozas
- Letrozole
- Letrozoles
- Lollapalooza
- Lollapaloozas
- Lozell
- Lozells
- Lozen
- Lozenge
- Lozenged
- Lozenges
- Lozengier
- Lozengiest
- Lozengy
- Lozens
- Lysozyme
- Lysozymes
- Macrozamia
- Macrozamias
- Merozoite
- Merozoites
- Mesozoan
- Mesozoans
- Mesozoic
- Monozygotic
- Monozygous
- Moze
- Mozed
- Mozes
- Mozetta
- Mozettas
- Mozette
- Mozing
- Mozo
- Mozos
- Mozz
- Mozzarella
- Mozzarellas
- Mozzes
- Mozzetta
- Mozzettas
- Mozzette
- Mozzie
- Mozzies
- Mozzle
- Mozzled
- Mozzles
- Mozzling
- Mycetozoan
- Mycetozoans
- Nonfrozen
- Nozzer
- Nozzers
- Nozzle
- Nozzles
- Ooze
- Oozed
- Oozes
- Oozier
- Ooziest
- Oozily
- Ooziness
- Oozinesses
- Oozing
- Oozy
- Palaeozoologies
- Palaeozoologist
- Palaeozoology
- Paleozoic
- Paleozoological
- Paleozoologies
- Paleozoologist
- Paleozoologists
- Paleozoology
- Pancreozymin
- Pancreozymins
- Photozincograph
- Pirozhki
- Pirozhok
- Pozidrive
- Pozole
- Pozoles
- Pozz
Is Oz a Scrabble Word in Other Languages?
Oz is a Scrabble word in another language.
In Turkish, the word Oz means “self.” However, depending on the sentence and circumstances, it can mean slightly different things.
For example, you might say “Ozgurluk benim oz kavramimdir” to mean “Freedom is my own concept.” Here, “oz” is used to mean “own.”
When playing the Turkish version of Scrabble, Oz is an official and valid word.
In my research, I could find no other languages that use the word Oz.
Oz Scrabble Word Stats
Here is a chart with interesting statistics about the Oz Scrabble word:
Oz Scrabble Word | Oz Scrabble Word Stats |
Shortest word with Oz | 3 letters (Coz) |
Longest word with Oz | 15 letters (Several words) |
How many official words start with Oz? | 45 |
How many official words end with Oz? | 7 |
How many official words include Oz? | 348 |
Is Zo a Scrabble Word?
Unfortunately, Zo is not a Scrabble word.
Sometimes, reversing the order of a pair of letters gives you a legal word in Scrabble. Just like Ar is an official word but Ra is not.
However, Oz and Zo are not one of those word combos.
Final Thoughts: Is Oz a Scrabble Word?
The bottom line is that Oz is not an official word you can use in Scrabble.
If you make up house rules, you can certainly use Oz (or any other word). Sometimes it’s fun to include abbreviations, slang words, and cultural fads.
While you’re here, take a moment to read another blog post about Scrabble.
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