Is Oz a Scrabble Word? (Official Answer + 400 Alternatives)

Is Oz a Scrabble word?

Oz is not a Scrabble word. The word Oz is not included in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. Oz is a prefix, suffix, and proper noun, none of which is allowed in Scrabble. There are over 400 official words you can make with Oz. The shortest word you can build with Oz is Coz for 14 points.

In this article, you will learn the 10 best Oz Scrabble builds, 400 other words you can make with Oz, and how to earn the most points in the game with Oz.

Is Oz a Word? (Quick Answer)

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Man with open mouth and Scrabble tiles - Is Oz a Scrabble Word
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Oz is not a word in English.

Instead, Oz is primarily an abbreviation, prefix, and suffix. Oz is an abbreviation for ounce. Oz is also the fantasy land made popular in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz.

Many people assume that Oz is simply a made-up word.

But it actually has a long history and can be found in many different contexts.

Ultimately, whether you use it as a unit of measure or as a magical destination, “Oz” is a versatile word with a long history.

Why Is Oz Not a Scrabble Word? (5 Good Reasons)

There are five good reasons that Oz is not a Scrabble word.

Those five reasons are:

  • Oz is not an English word
  • Oz is an abbreviation
  • Oz is a prefix
  • Oz is a suffix
  • Oz is not in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary

Following Scrabble’s rules, you can’t play anything that predominantly serves as an abbreviation, prefix, or suffix in the game.


However, you can make a ton of legal Scrabble words with Oz. Keep reading to find out the best words to make to get the most points.

Here is a good video that talks about, “Is Oz a Scrabble Word?”:

YouTube video by Writing Secrets—Is Oz a Scrabble Word?

Oz Scrabble Word Scoring

Since Oz is not a Scrabble word, Oz is not worth any points in the game.

If you could play Oz, the word would be worth 11 points. Not bad.

Here is the breakdown of the score:

  • O = 1
  • Z = 10

As you can see, the letter “z” is the point juggernaut in this pair of letters.

The reverse of the word, Zo, is also not worth any points in Scrabble. Yet, you can use Oz to make many other words that can earn you between 14 and 32 points.

If you use the bonus squares, you can earn even more.

10 Best Oz Scrabble Word Builds

Here are the 10 best Oz Scrabble word builds to gain points with the shortest words.

Check out this chart and then browse through the mega-list of 400 potential Oz words in the next section:

Oz Scrabble Word BuildsScrabble Points
Chart: Oz Scrabble Word Builds—Is Oz a Scrabble Word?

According to the chart, the fastest build is Coz for 14 points. The easiest high-point word is Woozy.

In case you’re curious, the Oz Scrabble word that will earn you the most points in the game is cryptozoologies for 32 points.

400 Oz Scrabble Word Alternatives

You finally made it.

Here is the list of 400+ Scrabble words you can make using Oz. Because the list is so long, I separated it into three smaller lists.

You’ll find these three lists:

  • Words that start with Oz
  • Words that end with Oz
  • Words that include Oz

Words That Start With Oz

  1. Ozaena
  2. Ozaenas
  3. Ozalid
  4. Ozalids
  5. Ozeki
  6. Ozekis
  7. Ozocerite
  8. Ozocerites
  9. Ozokerite
  10. Ozokerites
  11. Ozonate
  12. Ozonated
  13. Ozonates
  14. Ozonating
  15. Ozonation
  16. Ozonations
  17. Ozone
  18. Ozones
  19. Ozonic
  20. Ozonide
  21. Ozonides
  22. Ozoniferous
  23. Ozonisation
  24. Ozonisations
  25. Ozonise
  26. Ozonised
  27. Ozoniser
  28. Ozonisers
  29. Ozonises
  30. Ozonising
  31. Ozonization
  32. Ozonizations
  33. Ozonize
  34. Ozonized
  35. Ozonizer
  36. Ozonizers
  37. Ozonizes
  38. Ozonizing
  39. Ozonolyses
  40. Ozonolysis
  41. Ozonosphere
  42. Ozonospheres
  43. Ozonous
  44. Ozzie
  45. Ozzies

Words That End With Oz

  1. Arroz
  2. Coz
  3. Kolhoz
  4. Kolkhoz
  5. Kolkoz
  6. Moz
  7. Poz

Words That Include Oz

  1. Actinozoan
  2. Actinozoans
  3. Adoze
  4. Allozyme
  5. Allozymes
  6. Anastrozole
  7. Anastrozoles
  8. Angledozer
  9. Angledozers
  10. Antherozoid
  11. Antherozoids
  12. Antherozooid
  13. Antherozooids
  14. Anthozoan
  15. Anthozoans
  16. Anthozoic
  17. Antiozonant
  18. Antiozonants
  19. Apozem
  20. Apozems
  21. Archaeozoology
  22. Archeozoologies
  23. Archeozoologist
  24. Archeozoology
  25. Armozeen
  26. Armozeens
  27. Armozine
  28. Armozines
  29. Arrozes
  30. Bamboozle
  31. Bamboozled
  32. Bamboozlement
  33. Bamboozlements
  34. Bamboozler
  35. Bamboozlers
  36. Bamboozles
  37. Bamboozling
  38. Booze
  39. Boozed
  40. Boozehound
  41. Boozehounds
  42. Boozer
  43. Boozers
  44. Boozes
  45. Boozey
  46. Boozier
  47. Booziest
  48. Boozily
  49. Booziness
  50. Boozinesses
  51. Boozing
  52. Boozings
  53. Boozy
  54. Bozo
  55. Bozos
  56. Bozzetti
  57. Bozzetto
  58. Bryozoan
  59. Bryozoans
  60. Bulldoze
  61. Bulldozed
  62. Bulldozer
  63. Bulldozers
  64. Bulldozes
  65. Bulldozing
  66. Calfdozer
  67. Calfdozers
  68. Cenozoic
  69. Chernozem
  70. Chernozemic
  71. Chernozems
  72. Clozapine
  73. Clozapines
  74. Cloze
  75. Clozes
  76. Cocozelle
  77. Cocozelles
  78. Cooze
  79. Coozes
  80. Coprozoic
  81. Corozo
  82. Corozos
  83. Coze
  84. Cozed
  85. Cozen
  86. Cozenage
  87. Cozenages
  88. Cozened
  89. Cozener
  90. Cozeners
  91. Cozening
  92. Cozens
  93. Cozes
  94. Cozey
  95. Cozeys
  96. Cozie
  97. Cozied
  98. Cozier
  99. Coziers
  100. Cozies
  101. Coziest
  102. Cozily
  103. Coziness
  104. Cozinesses
  105. Cozing
  106. Cozy
  107. Cozying
  108. Cozzes
  109. Cozzie
  110. Cozzies
  111. Croze
  112. Crozer
  113. Crozers
  114. Crozes
  115. Crozier
  116. Croziers
  117. Crozzled
  118. Cryptozoic
  119. Cryptozoite
  120. Cryptozoites
  121. Cryptozoologies
  122. Cryptozoologist
  123. Cryptozoologists
  124. Cryptozoology
  125. Daminozide
  126. Daminozides
  127. Damozel
  128. Damozels
  129. Deepfroze
  130. Deepfrozen
  131. Defroze
  132. Defrozen
  133. Diplozoa
  134. Diplozoic
  135. Diplozoon
  136. Doozer
  137. Doozers
  138. Doozie
  139. Doozies
  140. Doozy
  141. Doze
  142. Dozed
  143. Dozen
  144. Dozened
  145. Dozening
  146. Dozens
  147. Dozenth
  148. Dozenths
  149. Dozer
  150. Dozers
  151. Dozes
  152. Dozier
  153. Doziest
  154. Dozily
  155. Doziness
  156. Dozinesses
  157. Dozing
  158. Dozings
  159. Dozy
  160. Ecozone
  161. Ecozones
  162. Ectozoa
  163. Ectozoan
  164. Ectozoans
  165. Ectozoic
  166. Ectozoon
  167. Endozoa
  168. Endozoic
  169. Endozoon
  170. Enfroze
  171. Enfrozen
  172. Entozoa
  173. Entozoal
  174. Entozoan
  175. Entozoans
  176. Entozoic
  177. Entozoon
  178. Eurozone
  179. Eurozones
  180. Fandabidozi
  181. Floozie
  182. Floozies
  183. Floozy
  184. Foozle
  185. Foozled
  186. Foozler
  187. Foozlers
  188. Foozles
  189. Foozling
  190. Foozlings
  191. Fozier
  192. Foziest
  193. Foziness
  194. Fozinesses
  195. Fozy
  196. Froze
  197. Frozen
  198. Frozenly
  199. Frozenness
  200. Frozennesses
  201. Gemfibrozil
  202. Gemfibrozils
  203. Gloze
  204. Glozed
  205. Glozes
  206. Glozing
  207. Glozings
  208. Gozzan
  209. Gozzans
  210. Grozing
  211. Gyoza
  212. Gyozas
  213. Haematozoa
  214. Haematozoon
  215. Heliozoan
  216. Heliozoans
  217. Heliozoic
  218. Hematozoa
  219. Hematozoon
  220. Heterozygoses
  221. Heterozygosis
  222. Heterozygosities
  223. Heterozygosity
  224. Heterozygote
  225. Heterozygotes
  226. Heterozygous
  227. Holozoic
  228. Homozygoses
  229. Homozygosis
  230. Homozygosities
  231. Homozygosity
  232. Homozygote
  233. Homozygotes
  234. Homozygotic
  235. Homozygous
  236. Homozygously
  237. Hydrozincite
  238. Hydrozincites
  239. Hydrozoa
  240. Hydrozoan
  241. Hydrozoans
  242. Hydrozoon
  243. Hylozoic
  244. Hylozoical
  245. Hylozoism
  246. Hylozoisms
  247. Hylozoist
  248. Hylozoistic
  249. Hylozoistically
  250. Hylozoists
  251. Isozyme
  252. Isozymes
  253. Isozymic
  254. Kolhozes
  255. Kolhozy
  256. Kolkhozes
  257. Kolkhoznik
  258. Kolkhozniki
  259. Kolkhozniks
  260. Kolkhozy
  261. Kolkozes
  262. Kolkozy
  263. Lalapalooza
  264. Lalapaloozas
  265. Lallapalooza
  266. Lallapaloozas
  267. Letrozole
  268. Letrozoles
  269. Lollapalooza
  270. Lollapaloozas
  271. Lozell
  272. Lozells
  273. Lozen
  274. Lozenge
  275. Lozenged
  276. Lozenges
  277. Lozengier
  278. Lozengiest
  279. Lozengy
  280. Lozens
  281. Lysozyme
  282. Lysozymes
  283. Macrozamia
  284. Macrozamias
  285. Merozoite
  286. Merozoites
  287. Mesozoan
  288. Mesozoans
  289. Mesozoic
  290. Monozygotic
  291. Monozygous
  292. Moze
  293. Mozed
  294. Mozes
  295. Mozetta
  296. Mozettas
  297. Mozette
  298. Mozing
  299. Mozo
  300. Mozos
  301. Mozz
  302. Mozzarella
  303. Mozzarellas
  304. Mozzes
  305. Mozzetta
  306. Mozzettas
  307. Mozzette
  308. Mozzie
  309. Mozzies
  310. Mozzle
  311. Mozzled
  312. Mozzles
  313. Mozzling
  314. Mycetozoan
  315. Mycetozoans
  316. Nonfrozen
  317. Nozzer
  318. Nozzers
  319. Nozzle
  320. Nozzles
  321. Ooze
  322. Oozed
  323. Oozes
  324. Oozier
  325. Ooziest
  326. Oozily
  327. Ooziness
  328. Oozinesses
  329. Oozing
  330. Oozy
  331. Palaeozoologies
  332. Palaeozoologist
  333. Palaeozoology
  334. Paleozoic
  335. Paleozoological
  336. Paleozoologies
  337. Paleozoologist
  338. Paleozoologists
  339. Paleozoology
  340. Pancreozymin
  341. Pancreozymins
  342. Photozincograph
  343. Pirozhki
  344. Pirozhok
  345. Pozidrive
  346. Pozole
  347. Pozoles
  348. Pozz

Is Oz a Scrabble Word in Other Languages?

Oz is a Scrabble word in another language.

In Turkish, the word Oz means “self.” However, depending on the sentence and circumstances, it can mean slightly different things.

For example, you might say “Ozgurluk benim oz kavramimdir” to mean “Freedom is my own concept.” Here, “oz” is used to mean “own.”

When playing the Turkish version of Scrabble, Oz is an official and valid word.

In my research, I could find no other languages that use the word Oz.

Oz Scrabble Word Stats

Here is a chart with interesting statistics about the Oz Scrabble word:

Oz Scrabble WordOz Scrabble Word Stats
Shortest word with Oz3 letters (Coz)
Longest word with Oz15 letters (Several words)
How many official words start with Oz?45
How many official words end with Oz?7
How many official words include Oz?348
Chart: Oz Scrabble Word Stats—Is Oz a Scrabble Word?

Is Zo a Scrabble Word?

Unfortunately, Zo is not a Scrabble word.

Sometimes, reversing the order of a pair of letters gives you a legal word in Scrabble. Just like Ar is an official word but Ra is not.

However, Oz and Zo are not one of those word combos.

Final Thoughts: Is Oz a Scrabble Word?

The bottom line is that Oz is not an official word you can use in Scrabble.

If you make up house rules, you can certainly use Oz (or any other word). Sometimes it’s fun to include abbreviations, slang words, and cultural fads.

While you’re here, take a moment to read another blog post about Scrabble.

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Official Scrabble Players Dictionary