How To Write a D&D Book (Ultimate Guide for Beginners)

As a writer and avid D&D player, I have always loved the idea of writing a D&D book.

Here’s how to write a D&D book:

Write a D&D book by crystalizing your idea, building a book blueprint, answering strategic questions, using an proven workflow, leveraging micro deadlines, checking copyright, and publishing through official or non-official marketplaces. You can write a D&D book that is fiction or nonfiction.

I’ve written D&D books, adventures, modules, and articles. In this post, I’ll share my best tips for how to write a D&D book.

Can You Write a D&D Book? (Answered)

Yes, you can write a D&D book.

You can write:

  • A book about your D&D adventure
  • A nonfiction book about D&D in general (such as how to play D&D, how to write a D&D campaign, or all about D&D Bandits)
  • A fiction book about D&D (a.k.a, a novel)
  • A D&D adventure

You can also publish and sell your D&D book. Keep reading to find out how.

How To Write a D&D Book (10 Best Tips)

After writing about D&D for a long time, I want to share my best tips for how to write a D&D book.

Here are my 10 best tips for how to write D&D books:

1) Crystalize Your D&D Book Idea

My first big tip is to get crystal clear on the idea for your D&D book.

Your idea will slightly differ depending on whether your book is fiction or nonfiction. Either way, you still need a clear premise to guide the writing of your book.

Crystalize your D&D book idea by asking questions:

  • What is the main idea of your D&D book? (Premise)
  • What are the main themes? (Theme)
  • What is the story you want to tell? (Story throughline)
  • How long or short do you want your book to be? (Length)
  • Who are the main characters in the book? (Characters)
  • Where does the book take place? (Setting)
  • What is the major problem that your book solves? (Problem/Need)
  • What is the major problem or trouble faced by the main characters in your book? (Conflict)
  • What is different or unique about your D&D book? (Unique Selling Proposition)

After asking these questions, shrink your book idea down to 1-3 simple sentences. If you can’t summarize your entire book idea on a napkin, you likely don’t know your idea well enough yet.

Keep working and re-working your idea until you can concisely sum it up in a few short sentences.

One cool method I use to narrow my story idea is to use the D&D Book Formula (see tip #2).

This has made all the difference for me when writing D&D books.

2) Use the D&D Book Formula

The D&D Book formula is something I came up with to help me write D&D books, campaigns, one-shots, and modules.

Here is the D&D Book Formula and template:

D&D Idea + D&D Blueprint + D&D Questions & Answers + D&D Modeling + Homebrew Creativity + D&D Marketing = a Great D&D Book

The rest of this guide explains each part of this formula.

Download your free D&D Book Formula Template PDF below:

Consider this your “how to write a D&D book” template.

3) Build a Blueprint for Your D&D Book

This includes creating an outline, chapter headings, and writing a table of contents.

Your blueprint will help you stay on track while learning how to write a D&D book.

The more detailed your outline and chapter headings are, the easier it will be to write your D&D book.

This is because your outline will focus and guide you to the finish line of a completed and published book. Essentially, your outline breaks your big book project down into manageable chunks.

Your blueprint also helps you relax as you write.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed about writing a 20,000-word D&D adventure or 80,000-word D&D-based fantasy novel, you can write one small section at a time.

A table of contents is also essential for a great D&D book.

In fact, your blueprint will probably become your table of contents. You build your blueprint by taking a few small but important steps.

Here is what I do to write a D&D book:

  • Brainstorm every chapter or section you can think of for your D&D book.
  • Ask yourself, “What needs to be in this book?”
  • Ask yourself, “What would be helpful to include in this book?”
  • Think about what a complete beginner would need to know.
  • If your book is fiction or a D&D adventure, then write out the major scenes and plot points (such as how the book begins, the transition between the beginning and middle, the transition between the middle and the end, and how the book ends)
  • If your book is nonfiction, write out the major sections (Orcs in D&D: Ultimate Guide, D&D Orcs: History, D&D Orcs: Stats, etc)
  • If your book follows a logical order, write down all the steps or stages (beginning, middle, end or step 1, step 2, step 3, etc)

Another way to blueprint your book is with strategic questions and answers.

4) Answer Strategic Questions to Generate Content

If you want to know how to write a D&D book, answering strategic questions is a gamechanger.

By answering common questions about your topic, you can breeze through your book blueprint.

This is where your research and interviews will come in handy.

Researching your book idea or topic is essential for non-fiction and fiction. You want to provide accurate information even if you write a D&D novel.

I’ve always found it easier and faster to write by answering questions.

If you’ve read my other articles on this website, you might have noticed how often each article is outlined by questions (even this article).

Most of the subheadings in my D&D articles and D&D books come from questions.

For example, you might find it harder to write a few paragraphs under the subheading, D&D Dire Weasels. However, you might quickly be able to write the answer to, “What are Dire Weasel Familiars?”

Your questions can be about anything related to your D&D book topic:

  • What is _____?
  • How to ______
  • Where do you find _______?
  • When do you ___?
  • What happens next?
  • Can a _____ do ______?
  • Why _________
  • What do the player characters find next?
  • What does the Dungeon Master or Game Master need to know?

For example, in a recent article I wrote about a Piton in D&D, here are my questions:

  • What is a piton in D&D?
  • What are the types of pitons in Dungeons and Dragons?
  • What do pitons do and not do?
  • How can player characters use pitons in D&D?

Answering questions related to your D&D topic can help supercharge your writing speed.

They can also help ensure that you cover your topic or story from every angle.

When you approach writing with this method, it’s easy to see why this is how to write a D&D book the easy way.

5) Become a Workflow Wizard

A workflow is a series of steps that you take to complete a task.

In other words, it’s a set of instructions for doing something. When you know your workflow, you can do your task quickly and efficiently.

The better your workflow, the better your D&D book.

For example, here is a sample workflow for writing a D&D-related book:

  1. Choose an idea
  2. Research your topic
  3. Make your blueprint
  4. Write one section at a time
  5. Edit your book
  6. Send your edited book to beta readers
  7. Edit your book for a second time
  8. Create or purchase a book cover
  9. Write the back cover blurb
  10. Format your book for publishing
  11. Publish your book

Here is a good video about how to write a D&D book with a proper workflow:

YouTube video by Tabletop Terrors—How to Write a D&D Book

6) Use Macro and Micro Deadlines

I’m not going to lie—I love self-imposed deadlines.

Use both macro and micro deadlines for the best results.

You want to set a macro deadline for the entire creative D&D project. I think 3 months, 6 months, and 1-year make good macro deadlines.

My tips for macro deadlines:

  • For shorter projects, you can probably finish in 3-6 months.
  • For medium-length projects, you can probably finish in 6 months.
  • For longer projects (like a full-length novel), 1 year is a reasonable deadline.

Micro deadlines are important because they help you stay on track.

You should set a micro deadline for every major task in your project workflow (idea creation, blueprint outlining, research, etc).

For example, I might set a micro deadline for “research” that requires me to read 5 books within two weeks.

I might also set a micro deadline for “writing” that requires me to write 1,000-3,000 words per day.

Macro and micro deadlines add time pressure to motivate you to write a D&D book.

7) Use a Successful Model to Write Your D&D Book

Using a model is especially helpful for non-fiction writers.

But, it can also be helpful for fiction writers who want to stay on track and make sure their book follows a logical order.

A model is a pre-existing template or format that you use as a guide for your D&D book.

The model can be anything: an outline, a step-by-step process, a formula, etc.

The model should help you organize your thoughts and keep your D&D book on track.

For example, many non-fiction D&D writers use published D&D adventures. D&D fiction writers use published fantasy novels.

When you find your model, think about:

  • What they include in their book
  • What they don’t include in their book
  • How they organize their book

8) Edit in These Specific Phases

Many aspiring D&D writers edit everything at once.

I’ve found this to be a mistake most of the time. Instead, edit in strategic phases.

I like to edit in at least three phases:

  • Edit for yourself (take out what you don’t like, add what you like, and make changes that fit your personal style)
  • Edit for your readers and fans (think about what they want, don’t want, and need from your D&D book)
  • Edit for your enemies (think about what your critics might say and then preventively fix your story or book)

As you edit, correct your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format.

9) Beta Test With Beta Readers

Another tip for how to write a D&D book is to use beta readers.

Beta readers are people from your target audience who review your D&D book before you publish it. They give you feedback about your writing, the story, and the overall book.

Use beta readers to get honest feedback about your work.

We have a good article about when to get a beta reader over here.

You can also use alpha readers (other writers who give you technical feedback). Review on their feedback, reflect on their feedback, and make changes to your book as needed.

I suggest that you use between 3-5 beta/alpha readers.

10) Prepare Your D&D Book for Publication

You prepare your D&D book for publication by going through several rounds of beta reading and editing.

You also create a book cover or hire someone to design one for you.

If you can’t afford a good graphic designer, you can use the free or pro version of Canva to make your book cover.

You’ll also want to write a back cover description of your book, format your book for publication, and prepare marketing materials.

I sometimes use Fiverr freelancers to help format my books.

It’s relatively cheap, fast, and I’ve had really good experiences. Some people also know how to format books themselves.

Once your D&D book is ready, the only thing left is to publish it.

Before you hit the “publish” button, you may want to browse the rest of this article to avoid some of the biggest mistakes first-time D&D writers make.

How To Write a Good D&D Book

Write a good D&D book by combining homebrew creativity with specificity.

Homebrew creativity is the settings, characters, monsters, and unique ideas that you bring to the table.

Don’t copy, create.

For example, flip common genre conventions or D&D lore on its head. Write about how your D&D characters played as dragons or gods.

Also, double down on specific information your reader needs to know.

For fiction, avoid being too vague and general. Give names, places, and other important details.

Readers enjoy concrete, vivid images in their heads as they read.

With nonfiction, write as if the other person has never played D&D before. That means avoiding slang, explaining abbreviations, and not skipping information because you assume the reader already knows.

It’s these little details that elevate a D&D book from good to great.

Another way to write a good D&D book is to use the best resource materials and tools:

D&D Book Tool/ResourceCheck the Price
D&D Core RulebooksCheck the latest price
D&D Rule Book Expansion SetCheck the latest price
Jasper AI WriterCheck the latest price
Canva (graphic design)Check the latest price
How to Write a D&D Book—Tools and Resources

How To Write a D&D Adventure Book

You can write a D&D adventure book by following the 10 tips in this article.

Additionally, here are my best tips for writing a D&D adventure book:

  • Treat your adventure as a story—Every compelling story needs a conflict, characters, hard choices, and consequences. Add each element to your adventure.
  • Iterate, iterate, iterate—Keep adding more detail throughout the writing process. Always be improving your adventure.
  • Coolify every encounter—Every encounter can be made more fun and entertaining. I call it “coolifying” your adventure. Always ask yourself, “How can this be even cooler?” Maybe the wizard is a half-kobold riding a Dire Weasel. Add freshness to everything—settings, conflict, dialogue, non-player characters (NPCs), etc.
  • Immersion—Use immersive, sensory language that describes the setting, characters, and encounters. For example, “The moon glittered wetly in his eyes.”
  • Play your adventure—Don’t just write your adventure, play it. You’ll learn more by playing your adventure than you will by reading it 1,000 times. Trust me.

How Do I Publish My D&D Book?

Publish your D&D book to your website, Amazon, D&D Beyond, or other online marketplaces. You can publish a novel based on D&D to any small, medium, or large publishing house.

Two important first steps:

Once you’ve completed those two steps, it’s time to publish.

To publish your D&D book, follow the guidelines of the publishing platform or publishing house.

For example, on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, you’ll need to register through the website and fill out an online form before uploading your D&D book.

There is a similar process on Amazon and other book marketplaces.

Most websites walk you through the process step-by-step. I’ve found Amazon and DM’s Guild, in particular, to be very intuitive.

Can Anyone Write a D&D Book?

Yes, anyone can write a D&D book.

You don’t need to be an official D&D writer employed by Wizards of the Coast. You don’t need to even be an expert.

In order to write a D&D book and have it published, you’ll need to adhere to the OGL and correctly cite anything from the SRD in your work.

Additionally, you’ll need to have a high-quality product that meets the standards of the publishing platform or publishing house.

If you can check all those boxes, then congratulations! You’re a published D&D writer.

What are the Standards for a Published D&D Book?

The standards for a published D&D book vary depending on the publishing platform or publishing house.

Generally speaking, however, your book will need to be well written, edited, and formatted.

That means:

  • Very few (if any) typos
  • Very few (if any) misspellings
  • No inaccurate information
  • Formatted for easy use (Good UX or user experience)

A good-looking professional cover with a catchy title helps, too.

Can I Write a Book of my D&D Game?

You can write a book of your D&D game.

Just as with any D&D product, make sure that you avoid accidental copyright or trademark infringements.

The more you make up your setting, characters, and other details, the better.

Many players have written books, novels, and comic books based on their D&D adventures or campaigns.

Here are a few examples:

  • Chroniques de la lune noire is a french comic book based on D&D adventures
  • Record of Lodoss War is a fantasy novel series written by a Japanese D&D player
  • Paizo writes “Pathfinder” novels based on their fantasy-world setting
  • You can also publish D&D fanfiction

The key is to avoid mentioning unauthorized monsters, classes, D&D character names, lore, settings, and magical items.

Can I Write a D&D Novel?

Yes, you can write a D&D novel.

The more you fictionalize and completely make up every aspect of your novel, the easier it is to avoid legal ramifications.

For example, don’t mention specific magical items.

Instead, make up your own with a unique name and power. Do the same for the monsters and settings in your novel.

You can still base your novel setting and some other elements on official D&D information.

However, change it enough to make it your own.

Can You Make Money Writing About D&D?

You can make money writing about D&D. You can make money by writing articles about D&D, starting a D&D-themed YouTube channel or podcast.

Videos and podcasts often use written scripts, after all.

You can also make money by writing and selling D&D books, modules, and adventures.

Can You Sell D&D Content?

Yes, you can sell D&D content on almost any platform as long as your content does not violate the OGL.

You can also sell any D&D content that you completely create based on your own original ideas. This takes all of the risks away from you.

Personally, I think selling your D&D content through The DM’s Guild is a great option.

How To Become a D&D Writer?

Become a D&D writer by writing and publishing D&D-related content.

As soon as you publish any D&D fanfiction, module, or book, you become a Dungeons and Dragons writer.

All the information in this guide will help you.

If you want to become an official D&D writer, you’ll need to apply to The Wizards of the Coast.

Here is the process:

  • Navigate to the Wizards of the Coast website
  • Go to the Careers section (currently located under the “Join Us” navigation link or in the footer section of the homepage)
  • Scroll through the available jobs to find a writer or writer-related position
  • Follow the on-screen directions to apply for the D&D writer position

Keep in mind that writers may be contract hires more than full-time employees.

If you get a phone, video, or in-person interview, be prepared with a portfolio of D&D-related content.

Can I Write a Book Using D&D Monsters?

You can use generic monsters such as trolls, dragons, and sea creatures.

However, unless otherwise noted in the OGL and SRD, I would avoid using any specific monsters (like, Beholders).

Your best bet is to build your own monsters.

Use existing monsters as inspiration, but make sure that you add enough of your own creativity to avoid potential trouble in the future.

Can I Write a Book Using D&D Settings?

You can use some D&D settings if you follow the established guidelines.

It’s dangerous to use any setting without checking. As long as you follow the rules, you should be safe.

The safest route (and the route I recommend) is to create your own original setting.

Then, set your book in your own fantasy environment.

Final Thoughts: How To Write a D&D Book

I hope you have found this guide to be helpful in writing your D&D book.

By the way, if I had to choose only two strategies for how to write a D&D book, they would be answering questions and setting micro deadlines.

This website contains a ton of information on all things writing and publishing. I’ve hand-selected the articles below just for you:

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer or legal representative. Always check with a licensed and credentialed attorney before making any writing or publishing decisions that could have legal repercussions.