How to Write a Book Title in an Essay (+48 Examples)

Knowing how to properly format book titles in your essay is crucial. This guide will walk you through the various rules and conventions, ensuring that your writing is polished and professional.

Here’s how to write a book title in an essay.

Basic Rules for Writing a Book Title in an Essay

Let’s get right into the basic rules that you will use most of the time.

Italicize Book Titles

In most style guides, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago, book titles should be italicized. This helps to distinguish the title from the rest of the text and makes it clear to the reader.


  • Correct: To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Incorrect: To Kill a Mockingbird

Use Quotation Marks for Shorter Works

Shorter works, such as articles, essays, chapters, and short stories, should be placed in quotation marks.


  • Correct: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
  • Incorrect: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

How to Write a Book Title in Different Scenarios

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Of course, sometimes, you’ll run into different situations where you might need to change how you write book titles in your essays.

In this section, I’ll cover as many of these scenarios as possible, along with examples.

1. MLA Format

In MLA format, book titles are italicized. If you are writing an essay in MLA format, ensure that you follow this rule.

Additionally, titles of articles, essays, chapters, and web pages should be placed in quotation marks.

This style is commonly used in humanities and liberal arts. MLA format emphasizes the clarity of source titles, helping to avoid confusion and ensure proper citation.

MLA guidelines help maintain consistency across academic writing, making it easier for readers to follow and understand references.


  • Correct: In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald explores themes of decadence and idealism.
  • Correct: The chapter titled “The Custom-House” in The Scarlet Letter provides essential background.

2. APA Format

APA format also requires book titles to be italicized.

This style is commonly used in the social sciences. Titles of articles, chapters, and other shorter works are placed in quotation marks.

APA format focuses on date-driven citations, so the book title should stand out to help the reader quickly identify the source.

Using italics for book titles in APA ensures clarity and consistency, helping to distinguish the titles from other elements of the citation.


  • Correct: The study is detailed in The Psychology of Learning.
  • Correct: In the book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman discusses cognitive biases.

3. Chicago Style

Chicago style, used in history and other disciplines, also calls for book titles to be italicized.

This format is flexible and allows for both footnotes and endnotes.

Titles of articles, chapters, and shorter works are placed in quotation marks. The Chicago Manual of Style provides extensive guidelines for source citation and text formatting.

By italicizing book titles, Chicago style ensures that references are clear and unambiguous, aiding readers in locating the sources.


  • Correct: The author of War and Peace is Leo Tolstoy.
  • Correct: In her analysis, the book Pride and Prejudice is frequently cited.

4. In-Text Citations

When referencing a book title in the body of your essay, it should be italicized.

If you are referring to a specific chapter or section, place the title of the chapter in quotation marks.

This ensures clarity and helps the reader distinguish between the book title and other elements of your text.

In-text citations need to be precise and clear to ensure that the reader can easily identify the source material and verify the information.


  • Correct: The theme of betrayal in 1984 is evident throughout the novel.
  • Correct: The essay “Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson is often quoted in academic circles.

5. In a Works Cited Page

In your works cited page, format book titles according to the style guide you are using.

For MLA, APA, and Chicago styles, book titles should be italicized.

This section provides full bibliographic details, making it easy for readers to locate your sources.

Properly formatting book titles in your works cited page ensures that your references are clear and consistent, which is crucial for academic integrity and credibility.


  • MLA: Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Scribner, 2004.
  • APA: Fitzgerald, F. S. (2004). The Great Gatsby. Scribner.
  • Chicago: Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004.

6. Handwritten Essays

If you are writing an essay by hand, underline book titles instead of italicizing them.

This is because italics can be difficult to distinguish in handwritten text.

Underlining provides a clear way to differentiate book titles from the rest of your writing.

In handwritten essays, maintaining clear and legible formatting is important to ensure that the reader can easily recognize book titles and other elements of your text.


  • Correct: Moby Dick should be underlined in a handwritten essay.
  • Incorrect: Moby Dick should not be italicized in a handwritten essay.

7. Titles Within Titles

If a book title appears within another book title, italicize the main title and use quotation marks for the title within the title.

This distinction helps clarify the structure of the titles and ensures that each component is properly formatted.

Formatting titles within titles correctly avoids confusion and maintains the clarity and readability of your text.


  • Correct: She read A Study of “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Correct: His analysis in Understanding “Moby Dick” was groundbreaking.

8. Multiple Works by the Same Author

When referencing multiple works by the same author in an essay, list the titles in italics and separate them with commas.

This formatting helps readers easily identify the different works and understand the scope of the author’s contributions.

Properly formatting multiple works by the same author ensures that your references are clear and organized, making it easier for readers to follow your analysis.


  • Correct: Orwell’s 1984, Animal Farm, and Homage to Catalonia all critique social structures.
  • Correct: Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility, are classics.

9. In a Bibliography

In a bibliography, book titles should be italicized, and other details should follow the respective style guide’s rules.

This ensures that your sources are listed correctly and consistently, making it easy for readers to find them.

A properly formatted bibliography is essential for academic integrity, providing a clear and comprehensive record of the sources you have used.


  • MLA: Orwell, George. 1984. Secker & Warburg, 1949.
  • APA: Orwell, G. (1949). 1984. Secker & Warburg.
  • Chicago: Orwell, George. 1984. London: Secker & Warburg, 1949.

10. In a Research Paper

In research papers, book titles should be italicized, and any specific sections, like chapters or essays, should be in quotation marks.

This clear differentiation helps readers distinguish between the entire work and individual parts.

Proper formatting in research papers ensures that your references are clear and professional, making it easy for readers to verify your sources.


  • Correct: The character development in The Catcher in the Rye is significant.
  • Correct: The chapter “The Catcher in the Rye” in Salinger’s book highlights the main theme.

11. In a Thesis or Dissertation

Theses and dissertations require strict adherence to formatting rules, so ensure book titles are italicized.

Proper formatting in these extensive research papers demonstrates attention to detail and adherence to academic standards.

Italicizing book titles in a thesis or dissertation helps maintain consistency and professionalism, which is crucial for the credibility of your work.


  • Correct: The influence of Crime and Punishment on modern psychology is evident.
  • Correct: In her dissertation, she cited Brave New World extensively.

12. In a Presentation

When preparing a presentation, italicize book titles in your slides or handouts to maintain professional formatting.

This practice ensures that your presentation is clear and visually appealing, reinforcing your points effectively.

Properly formatting book titles in presentations enhances the readability and professionalism of your slides, making your information more accessible to the audience.


  • Correct: Key themes in To Kill a Mockingbird include justice and morality.
  • Correct: The impact of The Iliad on literature cannot be overstated.

13. In a Discussion Post

When writing discussion posts for online classes or forums, italicize book titles to follow proper formatting.

This helps maintain clarity and ensures your posts are taken seriously by other participants.

Properly formatting book titles in discussion posts demonstrates your attention to detail and respect for academic conventions, enhancing the credibility of your contributions.


  • Correct: I found The Great Gatsby to be a profound critique of the American Dream.
  • Correct: In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley explores themes of creation and responsibility.

14. In a Book Review

In book reviews, the title of the book being reviewed should be italicized to clearly distinguish it from the rest of the text.

This practice ensures that readers can easily identify the book you are discussing.

Properly formatting book titles in reviews enhances the readability and professionalism of your writing, making your review more engaging and credible.


  • Correct: The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a haunting tale of survival.
  • Correct: In her review of Beloved, she highlights the emotional depth of the narrative.

15. In a Literary Analysis

Literary analysis essays should follow the same formatting rules, with book titles italicized.

This helps distinguish the titles from other parts of the text, making your analysis clear and organized.

Proper formatting in literary analysis ensures that your references are easily identifiable and enhances the overall professionalism of your essay.


  • Correct: The symbolism in The Scarlet Letter is intricate and multifaceted.
  • Correct: Macbeth by Shakespeare is a study in ambition and power.

16. In a Creative Writing Piece

Even in creative writing, when referencing other works, book titles should be italicized to maintain clarity.

Proper formatting ensures that your references are easily identifiable, even in a more informal context.

Italicizing book titles in creative writing helps to maintain consistency and professionalism, enhancing the readability and credibility of your work.


  • Correct: She often thought of herself as a modern-day Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice.
  • Correct: His journey felt like something out of The Hobbit.

17. In a History Essay

In history essays, book titles are italicized, and other works such as articles or chapters are placed in quotation marks.

This formatting helps clarify sources and makes your essay more professional.

Properly formatting book titles in history essays ensures that your references are clear and easily distinguishable, enhancing the credibility and readability of your work.


  • Correct: The events in All Quiet on the Western Front illustrate the horrors of war.
  • Correct: In the book The Guns of August, the causes of WWI are detailed.

18. In a Science Paper

Even in science papers, book titles should be italicized to ensure professional and clear presentation.

This practice helps to maintain consistency and clarity in your citations and references.

Properly formatting book titles in science papers ensures that your sources are easily identifiable and enhances the overall professionalism of your work.


  • Correct: The theories in The Origin of Species revolutionized biology.
  • Correct: In his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking explores complex physics concepts.

19. In a Philosophy Paper

Philosophy papers require careful citation, with book titles italicized and other works properly formatted.

Accurate formatting reflects a commitment to scholarly rigor and helps readers locate your sources easily.

Properly formatting book titles in philosophy papers ensures that your references are clear and professional, enhancing the credibility and readability of your work.


  • Correct: Plato’s The Republic is fundamental to understanding his philosophy.
  • Correct: The ideas in Being and Time by Heidegger are complex and profound.

20. In a Law Essay

Law essays often reference important texts and cases, with book titles italicized for clarity.

Proper formatting ensures that your legal citations are clear and professional, facilitating easy reference.

Italicizing book titles in law essays helps to maintain consistency and clarity, making your references easily identifiable and enhancing the overall professionalism of your work.


  • Correct: In The Common Law, Oliver Wendell Holmes outlines fundamental legal principles.
  • Correct: The casebook Constitutional Law is widely used in legal education.

21. In a Social Studies Essay

Social studies essays should also follow proper formatting rules, with book titles italicized.

This practice helps to clearly distinguish the sources and enhances the readability of your essay.

Properly formatting book titles in social studies essays ensures that your references are clear and consistent, making it easier for readers to locate your sources and enhancing the credibility of your work.


  • Correct: The impact of Silent Spring on environmental policy was significant.
  • Correct: In Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond explores the factors influencing human societies.

Here is a good video about how to write a book title in an essay:

YouTube Video by English Nerd — How to Write a Book Title in an Essay

Summary Chart: How to Write a Book Title in an Essay

Formal EnglishItalicizeTo Kill a Mockingbird
With WordsWrite in fullFifteenth of July, Two Thousand Twenty-Three
On a CheckWrite month in fullJuly 15, 2023
MLA FormatItalicizeThe Great Gatsby
APA FormatItalicizeThe Psychology of Learning
Chicago StyleItalicizeWar and Peace
In-Text CitationsItalicize1984
In a Works Cited PageItalicizeThe Great Gatsby
Handwritten EssaysUnderlineMoby Dick
Titles Within TitlesItalicize and use quotation marksA Study of “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
Multiple Works by the Same AuthorItalicize and separate with commas1984, Animal Farm, and Homage to Catalonia
In a BibliographyItalicize1984
In a Research PaperItalicizeThe Catcher in the Rye
In a Thesis or DissertationItalicizeCrime and Punishment
In a PresentationItalicizeTo Kill a Mockingbird
In a Discussion PostItalicizeThe Great Gatsby
In a Book ReviewItalicizeThe Road
In a Literary AnalysisItalicizeThe Scarlet Letter
In a Creative Writing PieceItalicizePride and Prejudice
In a History EssayItalicizeAll Quiet on the Western Front
In a Science PaperItalicizeThe Origin of Species
In a Philosophy PaperItalicizeThe Republic
In a Law EssayItalicizeThe Common Law
In a Social Studies EssayItalicizeSilent Spring
Summary chart: How to Write a Book Title in an Essay

Final Thoughts

By following the formatting rules outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your writing is clear, professional, and polished.

For more guides on writing essays (and more), check out some of our other blog posts below.

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