400+ Anaphora Examples (With Sentence Explanations)

Anaphora is one of the most powerful rhetorical devices in language.

Repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or verses creates rhythm, emphasis, and memorability. In this post, you’ll discover a vast collection of anaphora examples, carefully organized by category, each accompanied by a sentence explanation to illustrate its impact and effectiveness.

Literature Examples

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Anaphora examples in literature create rhythm and enhance emphasis, making passages more memorable.

Below are 20 famous examples from novels, speeches, and prose.

  1. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” – A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  2. “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, I have a dream that one day every hill and mountain shall be made low…” – I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.
  3. “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…” – Winston Churchill
  4. “Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!” – King John by William Shakespeare
  5. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
  6. “She dropped the glass. She dropped her hopes. She dropped everything she once believed in.” – Beloved by Toni Morrison
  7. “We cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.” – Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
  8. “Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better.” – Émile Coué’s Affirmation
  9. “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” – Richard III by William Shakespeare
  10. “In every cry of every man, in every infant’s cry of fear, in every voice, in every ban…” – London by William Blake
  11. “Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door; Or has it feathers like a bird, or billows like a shore?” – Emily Dickinson
  12. “Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.” – I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.
  13. “Because I do not hope to turn again. Because I do not hope. Because I do not hope to turn…” – Ash Wednesday by T.S. Eliot
  14. “He had none of it, he had no choice, he had no voice.” – The Road by Cormac McCarthy
  15. “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right…” – Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
  16. “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” – Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare
  17. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” – John 14:6 (Bible)
  18. “We must pick ourselves up, we must dust ourselves off, and we must begin again the work of remaking America.” – Barack Obama
  19. “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” – The Help by Kathryn Stockett
  20. “We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print.” – The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Poetry Examples

Anaphora in poetry strengthens imagery and enhances meaning. These examples from famous poems demonstrate its power.

  1. “Out of the cradle endlessly rocking, Out of the mocking-bird’s throat, the musical shuttle…” – Walt Whitman
  2. “I loved you first: but afterwards your love, I loved you first: but afterwards your love…” – Christina Rossetti
  3. “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” – Dylan Thomas
  4. “Five years have passed; five summers, with the length of five long winters!” – Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth
  5. “It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match’d with an aged wife…” – Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  6. “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” – If by Rudyard Kipling
  7. “I am the darker brother. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen.” – I, Too by Langston Hughes
  8. “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free…” – Rabindranath Tagore
  9. “What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain?” – The Tyger by William Blake
  10. “Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud…” – I Carry Your Heart With Me by E. E. Cummings
  11. “It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know…” – Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe
  12. “And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.” – Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
  13. “Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward…” – The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  14. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” – The Beatitudes (Bible)
  15. “When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me.” – Christina Rossetti
  16. “Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.” – Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
  17. “Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me.” – Emily Dickinson
  18. “To be, or not to be: that is the question.” – Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  19. “Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be.” – Langston Hughes
  20. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Examples in Songs

Anaphora is a powerful tool in songwriting, creating rhythm, emotion, and memorability. Here are 20 well-known song lyrics that use anaphora effectively.

  1. “Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.” – Let It Be by The Beatles
  2. “I will always love you, I will always love you.” – I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
  3. “I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you.” – What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
  4. “Hit me baby one more time, hit me baby one more time.” – …Baby One More Time by Britney Spears
  5. “Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take.” – Every Breath You Take by The Police
  6. “We will, we will rock you.” – We Will Rock You by Queen
  7. “I got a feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night, that tonight’s gonna be a good night.” – I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas
  8. “All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love.” – All You Need Is Love by The Beatles
  9. “You are the sunshine of my life, you are the sunshine of my life.” – You Are the Sunshine of My Life by Stevie Wonder
  10. “Say my name, say my name.” – Say My Name by Destiny’s Child
  11. “I want to break free, I want to break free.” – I Want to Break Free by Queen
  12. “Shake it off, shake it off.” – Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
  13. “You belong with me, you belong with me.” – You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
  14. “I can’t get no satisfaction, I can’t get no satisfaction.” – (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
  15. “I’m still standing, I’m still standing.” – I’m Still Standing by Elton John
  16. “Don’t stop believin’, hold on to that feelin’.” – Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
  17. “Let’s get it started, let’s get it started in here.” – Let’s Get It Started by The Black Eyed Peas
  18. “Because you loved me, because you loved me.” – Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion
  19. “What’s love got to do with it? What’s love but a second-hand emotion?” – What’s Love Got to Do With It by Tina Turner
  20. “I have nothing, nothing, nothing if I don’t have you.” – I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston

Quotes Examples

Anaphora is frequently used in famous quotes to inspire, motivate, and emphasize key ideas. Here are 20 powerful examples.

  1. “I have a dream… I have a dream… I have a dream…” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…” – Winston Churchill
  3. “With great power comes great responsibility.” – Spider-Man (Uncle Ben)
  4. “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy
  5. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people…” – Abraham Lincoln
  6. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
  7. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  8. “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” – Steve Jobs
  9. “Yes we can. Yes we can.” – Barack Obama
  10. “Think big. Think bold. Think beyond.” – Anonymous
  11. “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” – Dean Karnazes
  12. “Read a book, read a story, read to grow.” – Anonymous
  13. “Lead with kindness, lead with love, lead with courage.” – Anonymous
  14. “Work hard, work smart, work passionately.” – Anonymous
  15. “Keep moving forward, keep pushing limits, keep breaking barriers.” – Walt Disney
  16. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  17. “Love yourself, love others, love life.” – Anonymous
  18. “Be fearless, be strong, be unstoppable.” – Anonymous
  19. “Think deeply, think clearly, think differently.” – Anonymous
  20. “Rise up, rise strong, rise to the occasion.” – Anonymous

Ads Examples

Advertising frequently uses anaphora to create catchy and memorable slogans. Here are 20 iconic examples.

  1. “Just do it. Just push yourself. Just be great.” – Nike
  2. “Because you’re worth it. Because you deserve the best.” – L’Oréal
  3. “Have a break, have a Kit Kat.” – Kit Kat
  4. “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” – Maybelline
  5. “I’m loving it. I’m eating it. I’m craving it.” – McDonald’s
  6. “Think different. Think Apple. Think innovation.” – Apple
  7. “Melts in your mouth, melts in your hands, melts in your heart.” – M&M’s (parodying their slogan)
  8. “Eat fresh. Eat right. Eat Subway.” – Subway
  9. “The best a man can get. The best a shave can be.” – Gillette
  10. “Taste the rainbow. Taste the magic. Taste the fun.” – Skittles
  11. “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” – State Farm
  12. “Open happiness. Open Coca-Cola. Open joy.” – Coca-Cola
  13. “Breakfast of champions. Breakfast of winners. Breakfast of the bold.” – Wheaties
  14. “Have it your way. Have it fresh. Have it today.” – Burger King
  15. “Impossible is nothing. Impossible is everything.” – Adidas
  16. “Finger-lickin’ good. Finger-lickin’ crispy. Finger-lickin’ delicious.” – KFC
  17. “Shave time, shave money.” – Dollar Shave Club
  18. “America runs on Dunkin’. America wakes up with Dunkin’.” – Dunkin’ Donuts
  19. “Snap! Crackle! Pop!” – Rice Krispies
  20. “Betcha can’t eat just one.” – Lay’s

Examples For Kids

Simple and fun anaphora examples make learning enjoyable for children.

  1. “I like ice cream. I like cake. I like cookies.”
  2. “Run, run, as fast as you can!” – The Gingerbread Man
  3. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” – The Little Engine That Could
  4. “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.” – Nursery Rhyme
  5. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.” – Nursery Rhyme
  6. “Clap your hands, clap your hands, everybody clap your hands!”
  7. “Jump, jump, everybody jump!”
  8. “Be kind. Be brave. Be strong.”
  9. “Play fair, play nice, play together.”
  10. “Hop like a bunny, hop like a frog, hop like a kangaroo!”
  11. “Jump like a kangaroo, jump like a bunny, jump like a frog!”
  12. “Sing a song, sing out loud, sing with joy!”
  13. “Be happy, be kind, be you!”
  14. “Run to the park, run to the swings, run to the slide!”
  15. “Clap your hands, clap your feet, clap to the beat!”
  16. “Play in the sun, play in the rain, play all day!”
  17. “Smile big, smile wide, smile all the time!”
  18. “Hop, hop, hop like a bunny, hop like a kangaroo, hop like a grasshopper!”
  19. “Read a book, read a story, read for fun!”
  20. “Dance in the sun, dance in the moonlight, dance like nobody’s watching!”

Funny Examples

Anaphora can also be hilarious! Here are 10 lighthearted examples.

  1. “I told you once, I told you twice, I told you a thousand times!”
  2. “Why me? Why now? Why this?”
  3. “I need coffee. I need sleep. I need a vacation.”
  4. “Eat, sleep, Netflix, repeat.”
  5. “Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.”
  6. “Clean your room. Clean your desk. Clean your life.”
  7. “I love pizza. I love naps. I love doing nothing.”
  8. “I’m broke. I’m tired. I’m done.”
  9. “More food, more fun, more naps.”
  10. “Laugh at yourself, laugh at life, laugh at everything!”
  11. “I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing.”
  12. “I’m not lazy. I’m not unmotivated. I’m just on energy-saving mode.”
  13. “No work. No stress. No problem!”
  14. “I need coffee. I need snacks. I need a break from being an adult.”
  15. “First, we panic. First, we stress. First, we realize it wasn’t a big deal.”
  16. “Eat like nobody’s watching. Eat like you mean it. Eat like it’s your last meal.”
  17. “Text me later. Text me tomorrow. Text me never.”
  18. “Nap time is anytime. Nap time is every time. Nap time is life.”
  19. “I laugh at my problems. I laugh at my mistakes. I laugh because I have no idea what I’m doing.”
  20. “More cheese. More fries. More reasons to go to the gym (but I won’t).”

A to Z Anaphora Examples

Let’s keep going with anaphora examples from A to Z. Let’s start right now.

A Examples

  1. All I ever wanted was love. All I ever needed was trust.
  2. And then she left. And then she never came back.
  3. As the night fell, as the stars shone, as the silence deepened.
  4. At sunrise, at sunset, at every moment in between.
  5. After the rain, after the storm, after the sorrow.
  6. Always remember, always believe, always persist.
  7. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself when. Ask yourself how.
  8. Again he tried. Again he failed. Again he rose.
  9. A whisper in the wind, a murmur in the dark, a voice in the silence.
  10. Around the bend, around the corner, around the world.

B Examples

  1. Because we dream, because we dare, because we do.
  2. Before you speak, before you act, before you judge.
  3. Behind the mask, behind the lie, behind the truth.
  4. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Believe in tomorrow.
  5. Beyond the mountains, beyond the rivers, beyond the sky.
  6. Bring the light, bring the love, bring the laughter.
  7. By the sea, by the fire, by the stars.
  8. Back to the past, back to the future, back to the unknown.
  9. But she smiled, but she wept, but she endured.
  10. Beneath the surface, beneath the smile, beneath the pain.

C Examples

  1. Can you hear me? Can you see me? Can you feel me?
  2. Carry the weight, carry the dream, carry the hope.
  3. Come with me, come and see, come and believe.
  4. Cry for the lost, cry for the broken, cry for the forgotten.
  5. Cross the line, cross the bridge, cross the threshold.
  6. Call my name, call my soul, call my heart.
  7. Choose wisely, choose carefully, choose bravely.
  8. Close your eyes, close your heart, close your mind.
  9. Change the story, change the fate, change the world.
  10. Chase the light, chase the dream, chase the stars.

D Examples

  1. Do your best, do your part, do what’s right.
  2. Don’t stop, don’t quit, don’t doubt.
  3. Dare to dream, dare to love, dare to hope.
  4. Dive deep, dive fast, dive without fear.
  5. Draw the line, draw the map, draw the future.
  6. Dance in the rain, dance in the sun, dance in the dark.
  7. Drop the weight, drop the fear, drop the past.
  8. Drive the change, drive the force, drive the passion.
  9. Deliver the promise, deliver the truth, deliver the message.
  10. Defy the odds, defy the rules, defy the limits.

E Examples

  1. Every step matters. Every word counts. Every choice defines.
  2. Even in darkness, even in pain, even in doubt.
  3. Embrace the storm, embrace the struggle, embrace the victory.
  4. Enter the unknown, enter the mystery, enter the dream.
  5. Erase the fear, erase the doubts, erase the past.
  6. Enjoy the silence, enjoy the moment, enjoy the magic.
  7. Extend your hand, extend your heart, extend your hope.
  8. Escape the routine, escape the fear, escape the ordinary.
  9. Exceed the limits, exceed the expectations, exceed the dream.
  10. Engage with life, engage with passion, engage with purpose.

F Examples

  1. For the weak, for the strong, for the forgotten.
  2. Fear the unknown, fear the silence, fear the truth.
  3. Follow your heart, follow your dreams, follow your destiny.
  4. Fight for love, fight for peace, fight for justice.
  5. Feel the wind, feel the fire, feel the moment.
  6. Find your path, find your peace, find your purpose.
  7. Forget the past, forget the pain, forget the lies.
  8. Face the fear, face the truth, face the future.
  9. Feed the soul, feed the mind, feed the fire.
  10. Focus on the goal, focus on the journey, focus on the joy.

G Examples

  1. Give your all, give your best, give your heart.
  2. Go forward, go boldly, go without fear.
  3. Grow with love, grow with wisdom, grow with grace.
  4. Gather your strength, gather your courage, gather your dreams.
  5. Gaze at the stars, gaze at the moon, gaze at the horizon.
  6. Grant them peace, grant them hope, grant them love.
  7. Glide through life, glide through the storms, glide through the unknown.
  8. Guard your dreams, guard your mind, guard your soul.
  9. Guide the lost, guide the weary, guide the broken.
  10. Grasp the moment, grasp the opportunity, grasp the victory.

H Examples

  1. Hold on tight, hold on strong, hold on forever.
  2. Hope for the best, hope for the light, hope for the change.
  3. Hear the whispers, hear the echoes, hear the silence.
  4. Help those in need, help those who struggle, help those who dream.
  5. Heal the wounds, heal the scars, heal the soul.
  6. Honor your word, honor your past, honor your promise.
  7. Harness the power, harness the energy, harness the magic.
  8. Head toward greatness, head toward victory, head toward wisdom.
  9. Hasten your steps, hasten your heart, hasten your passion.
  10. Hold onto faith, hold onto love, hold onto yourself.

I Examples

  1. Imagine the possibilities, imagine the adventure, imagine the future.
  2. Inspire the young, inspire the lost, inspire the dreamers.
  3. Ignore the doubters, ignore the fears, ignore the limits.
  4. Include everyone, include the lonely, include the forgotten.
  5. Invent the story, invent the dream, invent the life.
  6. Invest in yourself, invest in love, invest in hope.
  7. Immerse in learning, immerse in wonder, immerse in joy.
  8. Influence the world, influence the people, influence the change.
  9. Indulge in adventure, indulge in dreams, indulge in laughter.
  10. Identify your purpose, identify your fears, identify your strengths.

J Examples

  1. Jump for joy, jump for life, jump for adventure.
  2. Just be yourself, just be kind, just be free.
  3. Journey with courage, journey with love, journey with faith.
  4. Join the movement, join the revolution, join the dreamers.
  5. Judge with fairness, judge with wisdom, judge with love.
  6. Joke with friends, joke with love, joke with laughter.
  7. Juggle the chaos, juggle the moments, juggle the dreams.
  8. Jolt the system, jolt the mind, jolt the heart.
  9. Jazz up your life, jazz up your dreams, jazz up your moments.
  10. Jettison the doubt, jettison the fear, jettison the past.

K Examples

  1. Keep the faith, keep the dream, keep the light.
  2. Know your worth, know your strength, know your power.
  3. Kneel before wisdom, kneel before truth, kneel before grace.
  4. Kick the doubt, kick the fear, kick the limits.
  5. Kiss the sky, kiss the earth, kiss the stars.
  6. Kindle the fire, kindle the passion, kindle the hope.
  7. Knock on doors, knock on hearts, knock on opportunity.
  8. Knit your dreams, knit your words, knit your fate.
  9. Knead the past, knead the present, knead the future.
  10. Know when to fight, know when to rest, know when to love.

L Examples

  1. Love without fear, love without regret, love without limits.
  2. Laugh out loud, laugh in joy, laugh in the moment.
  3. Listen to the whispers, listen to the silence, listen to the truth.
  4. Learn from the past, learn from mistakes, learn from experience.
  5. Lead with kindness, lead with wisdom, lead with courage.
  6. Linger in the magic, linger in the moment, linger in the peace.
  7. Look to the stars, look to the future, look to yourself.
  8. Let go of pain, let go of fear, let go of doubt.
  9. Lift your spirit, lift your voice, lift your dreams.
  10. Light the way, light the fire, light the world.

M Examples

  1. Make a change, make a move, make a difference.
  2. Move forward, move bravely, move with purpose.
  3. Mend the broken, mend the lost, mend the forgotten.
  4. Meet your fears, meet your dreams, meet your destiny.
  5. Master your craft, master your mind, master your fate.
  6. Mark your words, mark your path, mark your place.
  7. Motivate the hopeless, motivate the dreamers, motivate the believers.
  8. Melt the fear, melt the doubt, melt the pain.
  9. Multiply your joy, multiply your dreams, multiply your love.
  10. Manifest the goal, manifest the truth, manifest the power.

N Examples

  1. Never give up, never lose hope, never stop trying.
  2. Nourish your soul, nourish your heart, nourish your dreams.
  3. Notice the beauty, notice the kindness, notice the love.
  4. Name your fears, name your desires, name your strengths.
  5. Navigate the storm, navigate the unknown, navigate the truth.
  6. Neglect the doubt, neglect the lies, neglect the hate.
  7. Nurture the love, nurture the peace, nurture the future.
  8. Need the truth, need the light, need the wisdom.
  9. Nest in peace, nest in love, nest in hope.
  10. Nudge the dream, nudge the heart, nudge the soul.

O Examples

  1. Open your heart, open your mind, open your soul.
  2. Observe the world, observe the beauty, observe the truth.
  3. Overcome the pain, overcome the fear, overcome the doubt.
  4. Offer kindness, offer wisdom, offer love.
  5. Organize your thoughts, organize your dreams, organize your future.
  6. Outline the vision, outline the goals, outline the plan.
  7. Overlook the mistakes, overlook the flaws, overlook the past.
  8. Occupy your mind, occupy your space, occupy your moment.
  9. Obtain knowledge, obtain wisdom, obtain success.
  10. Own your story, own your strength, own your power.

P Examples

  1. Push the boundaries, push the limits, push for more.
  2. Pull yourself up, pull yourself together, pull through.
  3. Pursue greatness, pursue dreams, pursue happiness.
  4. Paint your future, paint your dreams, paint your destiny.
  5. Practice patience, practice kindness, practice love.
  6. Pray for peace, pray for strength, pray for wisdom.
  7. Play with joy, play with love, play with freedom.
  8. Protect your heart, protect your peace, protect your dreams.
  9. Prove them wrong, prove yourself right, prove your worth.
  10. Prepare for challenges, prepare for change, prepare for success.

Q Examples

  1. Question everything, question yourself, question reality.
  2. Quit the doubt, quit the fear, quit the excuses.
  3. Quell your fears, quell your doubts, quell your anxieties.
  4. Quicken your pace, quicken your steps, quicken your mind.
  5. Quote the wise, quote the lessons, quote the truth.
  6. Quiet the noise, quiet the chaos, quiet the mind.
  7. Qualify your goals, qualify your dreams, qualify your ambitions.
  8. Queue the excitement, queue the passion, queue the vision.
  9. Quench your thirst, quench your hunger, quench your curiosity.
  10. Quest for knowledge, quest for wisdom, quest for truth.

R Examples

  1. Rise above the pain, rise above the doubt, rise above the hate.
  2. Reach for the stars, reach for the sky, reach for your dreams.
  3. Rebuild the hope, rebuild the love, rebuild the faith.
  4. Remember the lessons, remember the love, remember the light.
  5. Run toward greatness, run toward adventure, run toward purpose.
  6. Resist the fear, resist the hate, resist the lies.
  7. Reflect on the past, reflect on the future, reflect on the now.
  8. Relish the moment, relish the joy, relish the experience.
  9. Refuse to quit, refuse to fail, refuse to surrender.
  10. Restore your faith, restore your hope, restore your strength.

S Examples

  1. Stay strong, stay brave, stay true.
  2. Speak your truth, speak with confidence, speak with love.
  3. Shine in the darkness, shine with passion, shine with purpose.
  4. Step forward, step boldly, step into greatness.
  5. Share the love, share the wisdom, share the kindness.
  6. Stand for justice, stand for peace, stand for truth.
  7. Seek wisdom, seek adventure, seek the unknown.
  8. Sing with joy, sing with hope, sing with love.
  9. Surround yourself with love, surround yourself with peace, surround yourself with truth.
  10. Serve with kindness, serve with humility, serve with purpose.

T Examples

  1. Take the risk, take the chance, take the leap.
  2. Think bigger, think smarter, think outside the box.
  3. Trust the process, trust yourself, trust the journey.
  4. Turn the page, turn the tide, turn the dream into reality.
  5. Try harder, try again, try until you succeed.
  6. Teach with wisdom, teach with patience, teach with love.
  7. Transform your thoughts, transform your life, transform the world.
  8. Treasure the moments, treasure the memories, treasure the love.
  9. Travel with an open heart, travel with an open mind, travel with purpose.
  10. Tell your story, tell your truth, tell the world.

U Examples

  1. Use your voice, use your power, use your influence.
  2. Understand your worth, understand your strength, understand your purpose.
  3. Uncover the truth, uncover your potential, uncover your passion.
  4. Uplift the weak, uplift the weary, uplift the broken.
  5. Utilize your time, utilize your skills, utilize your wisdom.
  6. Unite for change, unite for peace, unite for justice.
  7. Unfold your dreams, unfold your destiny, unfold your story.
  8. Undo the fear, undo the mistakes, undo the regrets.
  9. Unravel the mystery, unravel the confusion, unravel the doubts.
  10. Upgrade your mindset, upgrade your habits, upgrade your life.

V Examples

  1. Value your time, value your energy, value your peace.
  2. Venture into the unknown, venture into adventure, venture into discovery.
  3. Visualize success, visualize greatness, visualize the outcome.
  4. Voice your opinions, voice your dreams, voice your passion.
  5. Volunteer your time, volunteer your effort, volunteer your love.
  6. Visit the past, visit the present, visit the future.
  7. Validate your efforts, validate your progress, validate your feelings.
  8. Vow to change, vow to improve, vow to grow.
  9. Vanish the doubts, vanish the fears, vanish the negativity.
  10. Vibrate with energy, vibrate with excitement, vibrate with joy.

W Examples

  1. Wish for the best, wish for success, wish for peace.
  2. Work hard, work smart, work with passion.
  3. Walk with confidence, walk with pride, walk with courage.
  4. Win the moment, win the fight, win the day.
  5. Welcome the challenge, welcome the change, welcome the growth.
  6. Write your story, write your truth, write your legacy.
  7. Watch the stars, watch the sunrise, watch the possibilities.
  8. Wait for no one, wait for nothing, wait for the right moment.
  9. Wonder about life, wonder about love, wonder about destiny.
  10. Whisper your dreams, whisper your hopes, whisper your wishes.

X Examples

  1. X-ray your thoughts, x-ray your heart, x-ray your soul.
  2. Xerox the ideas, xerox the lessons, xerox the memories.
  3. Xceed the limits, xceed the norms, xceed the expectations.
  4. Xplore the unknown, xplore the universe, xplore your potential.
  5. Xclaim your destiny, xclaim your truth, xclaim your power.
  6. Xist with meaning, xist with passion, xist with purpose.
  7. Xamine your choices, xamine your actions, xamine your beliefs.
  8. Xcel in work, xcel in life, xcel in happiness.
  9. Xpand your mind, xpand your reach, xpand your influence.
  10. Xhibit your talent, xhibit your wisdom, xhibit your strength.

Y Examples

  1. Yearn for love, yearn for wisdom, yearn for peace.
  2. Yield to patience, yield to kindness, yield to understanding.
  3. Yell with joy, yell with passion, yell with excitement.
  4. Yoke your dreams, yoke your ambitions, yoke your destiny.
  5. Yank the doubt, yank the fear, yank the hesitation.
  6. Yawn at negativity, yawn at distractions, yawn at foolishness.
  7. Youth is fleeting, youth is learning, youth is dreaming.
  8. Yard by yard, step by step, mile by mile.
  9. Yes to opportunities, yes to growth, yes to change.
  10. Yoke your vision, yoke your strength, yoke your courage.

Z Examples

  1. Zoom into focus, zoom into action, zoom into success.
  2. Zero in on goals, zero in on dreams, zero in on purpose.
  3. Zest for life, zest for love, zest for learning.
  4. Zigzag through challenges, zigzag through doubts, zigzag through fears.
  5. Zap the negativity, zap the distractions, zap the excuses.
  6. Zeal for adventure, zeal for knowledge, zeal for excellence.
  7. Zone into greatness, zone into learning, zone into mastery.
  8. Zip through obstacles, zip through problems, zip through excuses.
  9. Zing with excitement, zing with confidence, zing with success.
  10. Zen in chaos, zen in moments, zen in reflection.

For more anaphora examples from TV and movies, check out this helpful video:

YouTube Video by Raising the Stakes — Anaphora Examples

Final Thoughts

Wow, that was a lot of anaphora examples! If you made it this far, congratulations—you now have more examples than you’ll ever need.

But don’t stop here!

There are so many other literary devices that can take your writing and speaking skills to the next level. Check out my other blog posts on literary devices—you might just discover your new favorite way to play with words.

Until next time… keep writing, keep reading, and keep repeating yourself (but in a cool, anaphora kind of way).

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